Jan 29, 2011 19:01
Boy, this is not one of those "riding a bike" things. Online blogging has kinda been out of my life for awhile. Probably for the best because I always say too damn much and it tends to be drama anyways.
My husband is working on the computer beside me. He's finally in his last quarter, but the homework has gotten extremely difficult and time consuming. The group he is in is only accepting A worthy work. Now while this has certainly caused Allen's work to be significantly better than it was, its still more stress than we'd rather be under right now. Especially because while he will have a degree in this field, he is not going to use it at all. He is just getting it so he can become an officer in the army.
Speaking of the army, I was right, that was a big adventure. Touched a Drill Sergeants hat, hit a Lt. Colonel (open handed, but I still went around going "yeah I hit that", and learned how to make CS gas using only the contents of an MRE.
Needless to say, I never actually even made it through BCT (but not for those reasons), which my Company Commander is still threatening to bust my butt for. Honestly I should be busting her butt for it! She let the whole thing go down like that! But she gives me shovels in Farmville so I wouldn't. Then again its also her fault I play Farmville. Clever ploy? Yeah, no.
Seriously though, she's not bad, but sometimes I wish she had done more than play on her computer and every so often emerge to take pictures of us for the website. I have to say, we are one of the better photographed BCT units out there. She is actually going for an online degree with AI for it now. She is just starting and it will probably take a long time. I'm just basking in the fact that I get to be her superior for a change. Can't beat the alumni.
I could say more about the whole experience, but it gets a little dicey from here, and.... well.... I'm kind of covering for a whole lot of people and really should keep my mouth shut. It really only leads to trouble at this point.
On the job front I've had quite a few since coming back, and am about to start a new one at a new bakery/coffee shop on Potomac which is only a block or two away from me. Better than walking 4 miles to work at my current job, but at least it was good exercise.
I guess that is it.