Well, I just found my Workshop had been torn apart and stuff in my shed scuffled. All the electrical cords had been removed from the walls, ceiling, lights and computer equipment as well as the electrical elements, fuses and cables taken from the shop's main electrical box. The shop's walls have been torn out and my files and artworks have been
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It is just a sad fact that people will do anything for an extra buck if they can get it for free ... i.e. by stealing it from others.
It is an unfortunate fact that those who do so have the attitude "It's wrong if you get caught" instead of the action being wrong in the first place, period!
If you don't teach morality and moral absolutes, you have incivility, crime, injustice and total anarchic chaos!
I hope we can go to the ASCPA to get a dog ... something big and looks mean! No pitbulls! A good size doberman or german shepard or a mix breed. As long as it's a good dog, house broken and loveable. It will be a companion as well as a protector of my place.
Later, I may install an alarm system either by ADT or Broadview.
Thanks for the prayer, XJ! I really need it right now! =)
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