Mar 04, 2007 21:47
I feel like a total rock star right now. I got home 24 hours ago and its totally been omg i missed you and wow you look great and such since i got here (and apparently i look like ive lost weight since i was home last so that was really nice to hear even if i think its a load of crap) Its such a pleasant change to my past two weeks. I love seeing everyone again and i so missed them more than i realized. I went to dinner at the Rottkamps today and got into a cake fight with dad fun...i dunno now though....the 24 hours are winding down now and i'm going this is so weird....i havent laughed with sarah or chilled in 401 or randomly walked into see what was happnin in 407 or had a #1 in the bears den in only 24 hours and i miss it already....GEEZE!!! haha i love my maine family and my family here about equally. I'm just really relaxed and so happy to get away from the stresses that come with college coursework...but i have come to realize over the past 2 wicked hard and stressful weeks for me who i can count on and who i can actually talk to when i need someone without feeling too incredibly foolish, stupid and weak...i still wont initiate conversation but if certain peeps ask me i cantell them what is on my mind without worrying about looking foolish...i hated the weeks and random breakdown that led to that but i really am thankful i realized i can talk to people (Ps thanks guys for taking care of my stubborn ass when i was sick this past week....i know i'm the worst patient ever...thanks for making me listen to you)...i miss all yall already!!!!!
So now...onto explainations of some schtuff that has occurred recently....
I totally lost my cell phone ina snow drift. yes. lost. cell phone. snow drift. Yea laugh about it....i would it i were reading that. I was so pissed. We were goin out to sarahs car to go to dinner on friday(which was a snow day btw...:)) and i guess it just fell out of my pocket. So i realized this when i got in the car and had to go back out and search for it. I swear we were looking forever...So we had courtney call it while we looked...doug heard it ring a few times so we knew it was out there and the general area but it stopped Jon and Doug and Sarah and Courtney and i spent upwards of half an hour digging out the sidewalk looking for the damn thing. Doug and Jon found it and i love them for it!!!!! :D...and of course it was at the end of the sidewalk we didnt start shoveling first....of course....but yea...i about had a heart attack i was so pissed...i love all those peeps for putting up with my stupidity and helping me look for it.
So earlier that day we went out to play in the snowstorm....we built 2 snowforts, moley (with some help from the boys) dug an awesome tunnel :D, the girls went sledding and we buried on had so much fun....
And then that night...oh geeze...i had fun...and since when does a guy ever listen when i jokingly tell them to take their shirt off and do pushups and crunches???...hehe oh lord....
well thats it for now...i'm sure theres more to come including the customary I WANNA GO HOME!!!! entry that usually accompanies a Tootles!