Mar 22, 2006 16:14
If I keep saying that, I might start to believe they make the present irritations worth it. Ok, so I really have nothing to complain about. My 5th graders could have been horrid little monsters (well, not really since the problem kids aren't invited to intersession), but in fact they are better than my regular classes! They can plan and write a 5 paragraph essay without having to be babied every step of the way! THEY KNOW HOW TO INDENT AND WRITE IN PARAGRAPHS!!! When I told them today about my 8th graders who don't even know this, one comment was, "That's sad!" Yes, it is sad. I wonder what they've done in school the past 8 years.
I want this week to be over, but then I only have a week of break left, and I need to GO somewhere. I need a road trip! I could go 2 hours north to see one friend, 2 hours south to see another friend, or just take a random trip on my own. Decisions...
The good thing about teaching intersession is the little extra money. Along with my cheerleading pay, I'm finally getting some furniture. I'm forking over a good chunk of cash for a nightstand from either Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel. I figure I might as well save up and get the stuff I like that will last a long time. So I can buy maybe one thing a year, oh well. Bedroom stuff will be good, living room I will keep looking at Target. I really do want to get my tv off the floor.
More rambling...I'm wasting so much money this week. Not totally wasting, but going to the grocery store 3 days in a row, eating out, Starbucks. $5-10 here and there adds up, and I now have to buy the discs for WinXP since my brother couldn't copy his. Today, I just had to have Chipotle. That's my once a week thing. When I fasted from Starbucks for a month, it was relatively easy. When I knew I couldn't have it, I didn't crave it. Now, just trying to keep to twice a week I'm failing miserably. I think I need to paste notes all over reminding myself of bigger goals to save for.