Apr 12, 2024 22:23
1. Have you seen a solar eclipse? Total, Partial, Annular? When and where?
I've seen all 3, though where I live has never been in the path of totality for the total and annular eclipses.
2. Have you seen a lunar eclipse? Full? Partial? When and where?
Yes to both. I saw the full eclipse in 2022, and I remember another full eclipse sometime between 2006-2010, or at least trying to stay awake for it.
3. Have you seen a comet? Which one? When and where?
I'm pretty sure I saw Halley's Comet in 1986. I think I saw Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp as well.
4. Have you seen a nova or supernova? When and where?
I don't think so. When the local astronomy club did a space night for the 5th graders, they showed me a few specific stars but I forgot what was significant about them. I remember just being excited to see Saturn's rings.
5. Have you seen a meteor shower? Which one, when and where?
Several times. Usually the Persid in August and Leonid in November.
friday fiver