Jun 16, 2023 22:56
1. Can you diagram a sentence?
Yes. The basics, at least. I thought I was going to fail my linguistics final in college because of sentence diagramming, and I think something to do with adverbs. I remember having some late night breakthrough, and I did okay in the end. Later when I was teaching, a friend recommended a grammar book that was based on diagramming sentences. It's main strategy was memorizing prepositions, which then helped you find prepositional phrases, and then it was easy to identify the other parts of speech.
2. What word do you always spell wrong, no matter what?
Not wrong, but I always need to think about maintenance, schedule, restaurant, permanent, nauseous, and diarrhea.
3. What word always looks like it's spelled wrong to you but isn’t?
Can't think of one.
4. Do you have any little memory games when it comes to similar words, like principle and principal?
-there's 'a rat' in separate
-a capitOl building usually has a dOme
-your principal isn't your pal
5. Was grammar something you enjoyed or detested in school?
I don't remember a lot of specific lessons. A lot of my problems were when I had to learn the names of things. Like, when you speak, you know what SOUNDS correct, but recognizing a transitive verb or gerund or dependent clause made me go huh??? Again, why I almost failed linguistics.
friday fiver