Dec 05, 2018 18:14
My boss is back! She was supposed to be back Monday, and didn't show up. However, she was there Tuesday and today. Yay! Though her being back means LOTS O EMAILS!
There was an awesome crescent moon somewhat low in the sky when I left for work this morning, and you could see the faint glow of the rest. I love seeing things like that.
Despite it taking 45 minutes to get home (rush hour and road work/detours), I get to see some pretty awesome sunsets. Now, I need to figure out how to get my iPhone camera to not change the coloring when I take photos of the sky.
I just finished off the pint of Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie. Yum!
I am going to do my online stuff and then put ornaments on the tree. I need to be productive and not sit here all night.
Friday is happy hour after work, and Saturday I invited people to go to dinner for my birthday. 4 yeses so far. I'm doing really low key, and it's all good.
Yesterday was my dentist appointment. I was not looking forward to getting the flossing lecture again. Well shoot, I must be doing something right, and it's not flossing! My numbers for gum recession were the best ever! I am used to hearing lots of 4s, a couple of 5s, and I'm sure there has been a 6 or two (8 is the worst). Nope, all 2s and 3s, and I think two 4s! I was in shock. It was also time for annual x-rays, and no cavities! I was worried about a new sensitive tooth but when the dentist poked around, no pain at all. BOOYAH. The dentist made a passing comment about flossing, but nothing from my hygienist.
I have a haircut appt on Tuesday. I'm debating whether to let it keep growing until it reaches my shoulders, 2-3 more inches. It's starting to get unruly and flip outward at the bottom, not under. Since it's longer, I'm also going to ask about maybe coloring the bottom half. Temporary color, and maybe dark blue.