Sep 29, 2017 23:18
1. How did you choose your LJ/DW username?
At the time I started my LJ, I was newly (less than a year) obsessed with Lord of the Rings, and also working at Starbucks, which was good for my coffee addiction. So, I chose a name that reflected the things I loved. I almost went with javaoliphaunt, but thought it was too out there. So, ringsandcoffee it was.
2. What has been your favorite day this year and why?
Either the days in March when I went to Disneyland, or the last day of work, which meant I would not be getting away from the job that was making me so unhappy.
3. What is your favorite film you've seen in the past year and why?
Funny that I have Pride and Prejudice on as background noise, as that's one of my all-time favorites. Past year as in since January or since last September? Either way, I have not seen that many new movies. I saw Wonder Woman, Guardians of the Galexy 2, and in December, Rogue One. I feel like I'm missing something, either in the theater or on Netflix. Nothing really sticks out as something I LOVED.
4. What is your favorite book you've read in the past year and why?
I've read half of One Thousand Gifts (Ann Voskamp), all of Ragamuffin Gospel (Brennan Manning), and have started A Homemade Life (Molly Wizenberg). My word, I need to read more books. I read too much online.
5. You get to program a half-hour of music videos on MTV. What videos to you pick?
Probably stuff from the 90s, when they actually played music videos. Even now, all I can think of Shania Twain's That Don't Impress Me Much, and that was on VH1. Oh! I'd have it be an episode of Pop-Up Video, so I could read random facts along with hearing the songs.
friday fiver