Friday Fiver

May 19, 2017 18:38

Yay thefridayfive!

1. How did you name your pets?
My betta fish get fandom names. I've gone through many in the past 13 years. My current four are Ten(th Doctor), Emma (Once Upon a Time), Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing/Nothing Much to Do), and Captain America.

2. Poirot or Miss Marpel?
My Anglophilia has not yet gotten into mystery TV series. I watched one episode of Midsummer Murders with my old roommate, and it was quite cheesy.

3. Do you have a FB account too?
Yes, since 2007. I vaguely remember when a friend had it when you had to have a college email to join. Little did I know what it would become.

4. Books - hardcover or paperback
Whichever is easiest to hold open. Small paperbacks I'm not a huge fan of.

5. Mobile(cell phone): Windows/Android or Apple?
iPhone. Just went from 5S to 6S. I've tried helping people with Samsung phones and could not figure them out. Strange, because I am a PC person and hate Mac computers.

bettas, books, friday fiver

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