Jan 04, 2013 21:15
Requisite DW mention: my current favorite phrases include "jammy dodgers" and "Roricus Pondicus."
Got home late Tuesday night, and baked banana bread Wedensday evening. I think I missed baking.
New shoes: Went to a store where they analyzed my stride then found some proper shoes. I had to jog up and down the sidewalk in a few pairs to find the ones that worked best. I have walked twice since getting home, but have not tried jogging. I didn't walk at all while out of town, except to try out the shoes. Let's see if they help prevent back pain.
Sur la Table is like kryptonite to my wallet. If I had an unlimited budget, I'd get so many gadgets. Williams Sonoma isn't much better.
I don't think the above metaphor is exactly right, but I canI't think of something better.
I'm all proud of my Christmas card display method - tie both ends of a long piece of ribbon to pins (or, in my case, Command hooks because I hate putting holes in the walls) about 5 feet apart and hang the cards on it. This might stay up a few more weeks. :)
I was answering trivia questions tonight, and Natalie was surprised I knew Annie Lebowitz was the answer to one of them. I thought, do people know obscure trivia anymore? I went to pub quiz again while in CA, and got a bit competitive. I also got a bit excited that the holiday research I used to do with my classes came in handy. Knowing what St. Lucia and Posada were = win.
Kids need to read more books. Preferably ones not about vampires or high school cliques.
Dinosaurs on a spaceship!! (sorry, another DW reference)
doctor who,