
Dec 12, 2012 19:56

So Saturday...bunch of people showed up for karaoke. Awesome - I love that they all came. BUT! Half of them refused to sing. More than half even. Said people also kept repeating that *I* had to sing since it was my birthday. I hemmed and hawed and twiddled my thumbs, trying to get out of singing. Finally, the guy in charge, who had been told it was by birthday, came and asked what I wanted to sing. I chose "American Honky Tonk Bar Association" by Garth Brooks. It was something that I felt I could sort of sing, was fun, and people might join in. Sooooooo, my turn comes around. No one is singing with me. Well, Au-dwg sort of was. Sonia was recording me on her phone. I was trying to not be mortified. After the first chorus, I said to myself, screw it! I belted it out, not caring how I sounded, good, bad or otherwise. In the end, I really enjoyed myself.

The roommie was even heard telling people I do Garth Brooks better than Garth Brooks, and did well on the low notes. :) A true compliment from her, as she is an actual singer, whereas I have 2 years of middle school chorus as training.

The whiteboard on the fridge is currently collecting karaoke songs. I am on YouTube listening to different songs to see if they are in my range. Next time I go (and yes, there will be a next time), I may try "Landslide" (Fleetwood Mac), "Your Song" (Elton John or Moulin Rouge) or "Ring of Fire" (Johnny Cash).


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