Jane Eyre 2011 tally: 4

Aug 16, 2011 16:35

Three times in the theater, and now once at home. spally, so glad you got to see it. holbytla, you've got to see it! Oh, and somehow my excitement last night led me to put in Our Mutual Friend. No idea how that movie relates to Jane Eyre.

-There's 7 or 8 deleted scenes on the dvd. Some I am glad they didn't include in the finished movie.
-Me being the book nerd, I kept picking out direct quotes and doing silent cheers upon hearing them.
-I watched the ending 3 times in a row. I won't spoil anything by describing it, but I must say it gave me chills. The second time, I turned on the subtitles, and then totally missed them. Usually subtitles draw my eyes to themselves, but not in this moment.

Now, I wait for the icons to start rolling in.

movies, bronte, jane eyre

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