Jul 20, 2011 08:36
If you've known me for any length of time (or even just know my lj name), you know I love coffee. The flavor, the scent, and of course that it helps me wake up in the morning. If I don't want to mess with my sleep, I'll drink decaf on occasion. I'd cry if a doctor told me I had to give up coffee.
Or would I?
Friday I had an iced latte, and started a pitcher of cold brew. Saturday I was sick. Sunday I still didn't want any of the cold brew. Monday I met Susan at Lux to work on our letter, but only drank half my iced latte. Tuesday, the pitcher of cold brew was still untouched. Finally poured a cup this morning, but only because I need to wake up before my friends come to help me move furniture. It tastes good, but I'm not gulping it down like I used to. This is so weird for me. Maybe it's a good thing. Don't know how, but maybe.
In other news, last night might have been the last night I slept in this apartment. o_O Today I hope to get all but my desk moved over to the townhouse. My computer stays here until I have internet over there, and I still have to clean this place and repaint the blue wall in my bedroom.