Mar 08, 2007 01:47
I haven't actually updated this thing in quite some time.
Leeeet's see...Since my last post, I've gotten a new job (LOVE IT so much!!) started school back up - actually it's about to be over for a month, stopped talking to my dad (not intentionally, but sometimes good things happen for no reason), and lost a good friend for no apparent reason - thats 3 in the past 6 months. I'm on a roll here.
The only thing I'm really worried about right now is where I'll be going to school next year. I'm pretty sure I'm not staying at Baker. I'm thinking about a few different schools that offer a photography program - so we'll see about that.
Things have been surprisingly normal lately which is crazy to me since things have never really been normal in my life. I like it though, and I honestly love my job. I have so much fun there!