history repeats itself - fo sho

May 10, 2011 20:55

The other night, Sean took me down memory lane and showed me pictures she has from her childhood all the way through college to her pre-gay days. Yesterday, I logged into LJ and started reading my journal entries from the very first one in Aug. 2003... almost 8 years ago! Alot of it was boring stuff about school, lack of sleep, shitty jobs, dorm life, stupid things my roommates did, and stupid things my family did. Oh, and girl drama. Ugh.

Crap. I just realized that most of the stuff I bitch about now (minus school and dorms) is the same as it was 8 years ago. Well, wasn't that eye opening! :S

I feel good about making positive changes in my life, or at least having a plan to do so. I've been working out 2x a week bootcamp style for the last month and a half. I think this is the first time in my whole damn life I've ever worked out and stuck with it (of course, I slept in today and didn't go). I plan to stick it out with TSA long enough to get my wisdom teeth pulled and pay off a credit card. Sean and I live together now with her roommate, but plan to live on our own soon.

And I'm happy to announce that it finally rained significantly since last September. Man, the sky looked freaky tonight!
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