
Jul 17, 2009 17:47

Gaaaaaah... today is a messed up day.

I've been having lots of bizarre dreams lately about stuff ranging from being covered in oozy rashes to Sean breaking up with me. Real life has been a bit whack too. My roommates have clashing personalities and priorities and I'm stuck in the middle.

I think I may have to get on some birth control. I've never had issues with my mood when I'm on my period until a few months ago. Now I get overly emotional and depressed (fortunately I'm aware of what's going on and don't make a huge ass of myself - much). Maybe birth control isn't the answer, but maybe someone has some suggestions...?

I am a huge creature of habit and am learning that this is not always a good thing. I started taking rowing lessons about 2 weeks ago and really really enjoyed it. Not having to go to work until noon makes it perfect for me to drive the short distance to the dock and go for a row in the morning. I need to break the bad habit of being a lazy bum and start a good habit of rowing.

I told Sean I loved her. She said it back. :)
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