May 04, 2006 20:52
11 days left...really 10, 'cause tomorrow is skip thursday is early day...
...and today was early day
*I got a 100 on a math quiz...nothing like learning matricies for three years in a row...
*government was...a class taught by Arouca...
*gym...I have to say, that I like Chris King. He's one funny man whore...
*Wind Ensemble...missing Jean, Gina and Katie due to smartness...(AKA...AP testing)
*Went to Jamie's with Katie, Jewell, Nicole, Nina, Mary, Shannon and Kerri after a trip to a closed outback...there was great irony when Jewell called me to ask where we were and I said "Out back" meaning in the back of Jamies...not at the Out Back...I bet you had to be there...then I found 20 dollars...(not really)...then we went to the sea wall, and DQ...then I had drama...
*We did a runthrough instead of just act 2 as went okay...better than it has been going. I didn't have to hug myself in the beginning like I did yesterday, due to lack of Tim...for reference...Seth gives good back rubs...
*Drama again tomorrow...till five...I'm not planning on going to school, so I'm gonna have to be back for drama at 2:15...even though you're not *technically* allowed to do so...but you just try and stop me...senior skip day would not prevent Peter from getting pissed...
That's about all for now...'till later...
k. shaughnessy,
n. anderson,
g. viola,
m. cullen,
n. mccorrey,
j. mcintyre,
drama club,
c. king,
s. connor,
j. davis