Feb 13, 2005 23:00
So on my trip back to school, as I was driving along, I noticed two large groups of deer and a car off to the side of the road just watching them. My first thought was I hope I don't hit any. And well, since I have before, it made sense. But after a while, I looked back remembering what the group looked like and I just started thinking. It was crazy to see so many deer in one giant field at the same time without any worry of hunters at this time of year. They seemed so relaxed, just standing upright eating "mingling" with their herd (or whatever it is you call a group of deer). But to be that carefree and clueless to what is going on around you astounds me. But most of all, what is more impressive is that they didn't care. For the second or two I could see them not one looked toward the street to see what was flying by in the distance. They may not be the most intelligent animals, but maybe we should look to othre beings for life lessons. We shouldn't be so caught up in what's going on around us. Just let what's going to happen happen. Just my little semi-philosophical idea for the time being.