years off purgatory

Jul 23, 2006 23:24

Within the past two days, I have gone to Gloucester Cathedral, Bristol Cathedral, St. Mary Redcliffe's, and Canterbury Cathedral.  Right now, the memory is just one big gothic cathedral with hints of romanesque.  Fortunately, I have pictures to refresh when need be.
Though, don't get the impression that I minded going.  Hell, I signed up to see all these churches, and they were all quite nice.  Spectacular, really.

Currently, I am writing a response paper to that wonderful production to Merchant of Venice while listening to Silverchair.  Or rather, I'm listening to Sliverchair and occasionally write a sentence.  I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this stuff.  ... The music, not so much the writing.  Well, response papers.  Fortunately, I have been getting a lot of ideas for stories to write; unfortunately, they all deal with unfaithfulness under different circumstances.  I blame the swiss army knife and the wrist watch.  This is a time where we don't assume that those most avidly against something are those most obsessed with it.

But anyway, time to argue about the Jew of Veince.
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