--Coffee Shop (喫茶店)

Jan 13, 2010 00:36

A week had passed before Light thought of Mikami again, between goings on at the task force and the SPK interfering. It was becoming more and more clear to Light that he needed to make a bold move, and soon. He had had enough of these doppelgangers who likened themselves to L ( Read more... )

/non sh, mikalight

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raving_lawyer January 13 2010, 05:43:58 UTC
Mikami noted that Light had taken a seat, and caught his eye before heading up to the register. After getting a cup of black coffee from a large, grumpy women, he sat himself next to the younger man.

"Good evening." He said shortly. He was not sure why this man was so facinated with him, but he felt he should find out.


ringoapples January 13 2010, 06:01:11 UTC
Light took a sip of the coffee, looking him over. Tonight Mikami was dressed professionally again, which made sense as he was a lawyer. Somehow though, Light got the feeling that he rarely if ever, dressed down. He was dressed just as professionally in the supermarket as well.

"Good evening. I hope I'm not inconveniencing you, I realize it's late and that you probably just got off of work. But something came to my attention-- and you were the first person I thought of."

He took a deep breath, "If you could help Kira, would you?" His face was innocent, almost too innocent.


raving_lawyer January 13 2010, 06:10:16 UTC
Mikami examined the other man thoughtfully, eying his reasonably respectable atire and noting the quiet way he talked. The lawyer was pleased that he gave off an air of calm. The question he asked, though, threw him off guard. He looked at him with renewed suspicion. "Your father is a policeman." This was said with equal grace and innocence.


ringoapples January 13 2010, 06:27:12 UTC
"Yes." He looked down at his coffee cup, continuing the charade.
"So am I. But that doesn't mean I don't support him."

He looked back up at Mikami, still waiting for the answer to his question.


raving_lawyer January 16 2010, 04:20:22 UTC
Leaning back in his chair, Mikami examined the other man shrewdly. He couldn't get in trouble for a theoretical action. "I would support him, yes, in any capacity. Any true follower of Kira would."


ringoapples January 16 2010, 05:27:53 UTC
Light sighed, relieved.

"Somethings changed. I don't think Kira needs any warnings, because he is a God--" the world rolled off his tongue so easily, "but I felt uneasy keeping this information to myself. And I figured that if I was to tell anyone, it would be you. You seemed like," His eyes were bright as he spoke "you seemed like the person whom he would choose to come in contact with."

"Do you want to know, do you want to help?"


raving_lawyer January 18 2010, 05:30:42 UTC
Mikami nodded almost reflexively as the other man talked about Kira as a God, then leaned back, startled. "You think so?" he asked, cautiously, trying to look like his heart was not pounding with excitement. "I would help, if he contacted me." He glanced to the side, nervously. A pregnant pause. "Why do you want to know these things?"


ringoapples January 18 2010, 05:39:53 UTC
"Because I have information that I can't keep to myself." He lowered his voice, "But I can't talk about it here, either." Light looked at Mikami, hopeful. "Do you know of a place where we could talk quietly?"


raving_lawyer January 18 2010, 05:51:28 UTC
Mikami examined the stranger carefully, not sure about this offer but by this point to intriqued to say no. "My home is reasonably secure," he offered. "And clean."


ringoapples January 19 2010, 08:15:38 UTC
"Thank you."

"Is next Tuesday all right?"

ooc: sorrry, kinda died today. As far as plans go, hrm. Would it be OK if Mikami received the DN in the interim between their meeting? Then at the meeting, well Mikami will see that its Light the moment he sees him...


raving_lawyer January 24 2010, 06:34:15 UTC
"Next Tuesday." The lawyer paused for a moment, as if checking an entire schedule book within his head. "After five PM I am open for two hours before I enter the gym."

ooc: I died for several days, so certainly no worries! That would be a great idea :)


ringoapples January 25 2010, 05:49:33 UTC
"That's fine. I'll see you then." A wry smile lingered on his face for a moment, before it vanished.

Light had sent the Death Note in the mail a few days after, with the instructions, and observed Mikami's actions. They were as he expected, he had stuck close to his words, to the letter, even. He hadn't planned to meet Mikami again, he had more asked the question to see his dedication, but now it was almost a necessity. Light needed to move things along very quickly.

But he wouldn't present himself this simply. He had sent another note to Mikami (as Kira) to clear his schedule, to leave his door unlocked at precisely 5.04pm, and to keep his eyes on the floor when he entered. Although by doing so he was essentially canceling a plan with himself, which amused him.

Light entered the door to his apartment, closing the door with a click. Although Mikami couldn't see him yet, he was dressed in a suit and a tie naturally, though a little more extravgant than usual.


raving_lawyer January 25 2010, 06:35:00 UTC
Mikami was feeling an extreme excitement that he had not felt for many years, and he kept his bland demeanor only with considerable effort. He did not want Kira to think badly of him.

At 5.04 PM he unlocked the door and waited, as ordered eyes fixed to the ground. He trembled before calming his body's nerves. He had barely been able to think at the office--which was unheard of for him.

He heard the door click and his eyes grew wide, though he kept them on the floor beneath him.


i'm aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeee ringoapples January 31 2010, 03:27:02 UTC
"Keep your eyes on the floor." Light made no attempt to mask his voice, and although he hadn't permitted Mikami to look at him yet, he could probably figure out that he had heard his voice somewhere before.

He began circling Mikami slowly, much like a cat would around it's prey. If Mikami's eyes were on the floor though as ordered, all he would see were his shoes.
"Mikami Teru, you've followed all my instructions to the letter. Are you ready to serve your God more faithfully?" It wasn't so much a question even though it was phrased as one, it was an outright order. Still, he had "asked" it, because Mikami's exact answer would be important.


Re: i'm aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeee - dittooo! raving_lawyer February 1 2010, 07:09:26 UTC
Mikami obeyed intuitively, though he felt his heart jump with fear. He had heard this voice before! He realized this might have been a trap of some sort, perhaps with a convict? He refused to show his fear.

He paused, lips opening slightly. A flash of recognition--the boy at the coffee shop? No, it could not be. He froze at the voice. The commanding tone put him at ease--surely, this could not be a convict, but the real thing. His eyes grew wide. "I am willing to do whatever God asks me to do. At any capacity."


:> Love your crazy face, Mikami. ringoapples February 2 2010, 00:34:31 UTC
Perfect. He had answered with as much devotion as he had thought.

"You may look at me."


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