旅の途中 (Tabi no Tochuu) from Spice and Wolf

Mar 25, 2008 23:44

Anyone else watching this anime? At first I thought "Spice and Wolf" makes a really random anime title, I clicked in anyway and did my other stuff (erm aka surfing elsewhere)... I heard the opening few phrases after which I immediately clicked back to the crunchyroll page and guai guai watch the opening (plus the anime lah).

This is just a short series, 13 I think, and crunchyroll has it subbed till episode 12. Fantasy? Check. Because there's a wolf deity. Timeline wise it's like Europe in Middle Ages? (IDK but crunchyroll says so >D) Haha... but it's about economics, trading, currency, batering, etc which is a first that I've ever encountered in an anime. So it's about this human guy merchant and a wolf deity going on a journey back to her homeland in the north while promising him profits in return. As they travel, she helps to earn (or rather barely cover her own spendings), but at the same time, she draws unwanted attention from other merchants and the Church.    
The opening and ending on youtube ^^ PLAY! I really like this! Ending is cute too XD

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旅の途中 Tabi no Tochuu
清浦夏実 Kiyoura Natsumi

ただひとり Tada hitori
迷い込む旅の中で  Mayoikomu tabi no naka de 
心だけ彷徨って立ち尽くした  Kokoro dake samayotte tachitsukushita 
でも今は 遠くまで  Demo ima wa   tooku made 
歩き出せる  Arukidaseru 
そう君と この道で  Sou kimi to   kono michi de
出合ってから  Deatte kara

旅人たちが歌う Tabibito-tachi ga utau 
見知らぬ歌も  Mishiranu uta mo
懐かしく聴こえてくるよ  Natsukashiku kikoete kuru yo 
ただ君といると  Tada kimi to iru to

夢見た世界が Yumemita sekai ga 
どこかに あるなら  Dokoka ni   aru nara 
探しに 行こうか  Sagashi ni   yukou ka 
風のむこうへ  Kaze no mukou e 
凍てつく夜明けの  Itetsuku yoake no
渇いた真昼の  Kawaita mahiru no 
ふるえる闇夜の  Furueru yamiyo no 
果てを見に行こう  Hate o mi ni yukou

The very nice opening song, Tabi no Tochuu full version if you want ^^V:

music, spice and wolf, youtube, anime, song

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