Feb 15, 2006 13:26
The grounds of Ringmore Suites extend quite far, for all that it is centered in Tamarind. The gardens are seperated by low box hedges, carefully trimmed into perfect rectangular shapes. The closest garden to the hotel is a formal affair, an English garden with perfect geometic shapes bordered by perfect stone paths. In the chill of late winter, flowers haven't bloomed, but the green is starting to grow again. Carved stone benches are scattered around, looking almost random, but nothing in this garden is random.
A bit farther away, the Eastern influence is much more prevelant. The edges are curved here, and a waterfall flows into a natural looking pond. The water is cold and clear, flashes of color under the silvery surface the only indication that one may not be alone. A Japanese-style gazebo sits next to the pond, and a small decorated space heater invites couples in to enjoy the warmth.
The entrance to the hedge maze is flanked by two white stone pillars. Seven foot box hedges keep guests hidden from prying eyes, and allow people to be lost or found, as they choose. In the center of the maze, assuming one makes it that far, is a small English-style gazebo, complete with a space heater as well. People can stop here to warm up before continuing on their journy.
Just a few turns in from the entrance of the maze is the private garden, reserved only for special guests of the hotel. The outer barrier of the maze extends in a circle around the garden, keeping it even more secluded than the maze. In the center is a fountain unlike any seen in 'Tropolis or elsewhere, a three tier work of art. The bottom tier depicts Brahma, the Hindu creator God, carved from flawless marble. The second tier shows Vishnu, the Hindu god of sustenance, in a scene taken from the Vedas. The third tier is a scene of Shiva, the third of the triumverate, destroying the world. The water flows from the top of Shiva's head, running over the lower scenes, and showing the cycle of life over an over again. Irregular stones line the paths here, leading to cozy wooden benches and dark nooks.