contrary to what i read earlier about the JLPT not being held in sweden, it's being held in stockholm on july 2nd. i'm signing up for N2 (second highest) level: you only have to pass 1/3rd of each section and i passed 2/3rds on the very quick sample N3 (third highest) one, so since there's 3 more months until the test i'm certain i'll be able to pass N2. i hate these kinds of tests but i really need to get a job in japan, so i hope passing this will help me...the test only costs 500 SEK, in contrast to the swedish proficency test (also at N2 level) which costs 1600 SEK :
at first i thought i wouldn't change the study plan i'm already doing, but then i asked around and read a bunch of blog posts about the JLPT, it seems you REALLY need to focus on READING so i'm going to try and simply "read" a lot more. i also found a new site to use, "" which people said helped them a ton, so i hope i can pass N2 on the first try...