Mar 30, 2016 04:20
been stressed out a bit too much with class lately. the actual class isn't going bad at all, and i can say i'm seemingly the second-best in the class (the best actually lives IN japan and also knows like korean, chinese, swedish etc) but i always freak myself out about it.
the good news is, i've really noticed over the past few months that my incredibly tiny amount of memory training has been paying off. even though i'm not specifically practising every day, i'm still getting, very slowly, better every day (i notice this since i have to memorize so many words and kanji). so now i started looking at that again, and i think i really have to get serious about this.
imagine if i only had to study 20 minutes a day total and i could still pass class. i could somehow get that done no matter how bad things were getting otherwise. in autumn semester, i'm going to need to study 40+ hours a week (according to them). imagine if i could do perfect on my presentations without really "working" on them and without having to practise them more than, say, once. it's possible! i need to do this! in two years i could be a memory master if i only practised every day.
so, i've been reading through one of these memory books, and translating stuff to esperanto so i can publish my compilation book on it. translating it and having to come up with esperanto examples for it makes me really think about it and use it more than what happens when i just read through the book otherwise, so it counts as some actual practise.