Nice coupla days. All about the fights and the gory actions movies. I bought some bitter chocolate from the store and it is DAMN good. My mouth waters just thinkin' about it. Gonna have some more tonight.
I want school to end now, damn it.
Shino, you're a FREAK. Let's start a fight club. That was fun. I'm still completely nurse-less, so YOU LOST. And I'm FINE. I'm not dying, and I'm not curled up in a ball of pain. That's what painkillers are for. My mouth tasted like Shino when I got home D<
1.What song are you listening to now?
- I dunno what it's called by it goes you said this song is lame, and I said so is your face. By Feable Wiener
2. Colour of the shirt you are wearing now?
- black
3. Now, who's on ur mind?
- why the hell would anyone be on my mind. Besides me.
4. Now, what lyrics do you like so much?
- "She's an attorney and turning me on"
5. Where do you feel like going now?
- Peru. Warmth.
6. What movie do you want to watch?
- Kill Bill
7. Now, what do you want?
- For my chest to stop hurting when I breath.
8. Current mood right now?
- ...Achy?
9. When is your birthday?
- July 6th
10. Where did you buy ur bag/s?
- HUH?
11. where did you buy ur pencil case?
- ...
12. How was school today?
- I didn't go today.
14. Worst subject?
- I dunno. I do pretty bad in all of 'em.
1. Last time you fell in love?
- ...don't use that word
2. Last movie you watched? with whom?
- I don't see movies much. I saw Hostel with Kisame a while back.
3. Last shirt you wore before the shirt you're wearing now?
- ...damned if I know.
4. Last thing you held?
- Pencil.
5. Last place you've been to.
- Ice cream parlor.
6. Last dream.
- Some kid was gettin' his arm cut with butcher knives by his parents.
7. Last call you received?
- I don't get phone calls.
8. Last compliment you got? And from who?
- Shino called me a beast, or somethin' to that effect. XP
9. Last message you got in your journal?
- ...I don't remember.
10. Last sms you got?
- HUH?
11. Last thing you did?
- Ate ice cream.
12. Last present you got?
- ...I dunno.
13. Last present you gave to someone?
- No fuckin' idea. Asshat.
14. Last issue you read in the newspaper?
- Something about a soccer mom and a car accident. Vaguely amusing.
Three names you go by.
1. Kin
2. Bitch
3. Tsuchi Daughter Dearest
Three random screen names you have had.
1. fckoff ...
2. sw33tchik ...
3. damn bells is my current one, if that counts
Three Friends. (I would've run out if it asked for four.)
1. Tayuya
2. Kisame
3. Shino
Three PHYSICAL things you like about yourself.
1. Hands
2. Voice
3. Tits
Three NON-PHYSICAL things you like about yourself.
1. My taste in music
2. My anger
3. My...dunno...
Three things you don't like about yourself.
1. Too weak Fuck off...
2. Inablity to let things go ...
3. I care too much ...
Three parts of your heritage.
1. Rich?
2. ...
3. ...
Three things that scare you.
1. Becoming my mother.
2. Becoming a mother.
3. Going deaf.
Three of your everyday essentials.
1. Food.
2. Air.
3. Music.
Three things you are wearing right now.
1. Band shirt.
2. Pajama pants.
3. Bra.
Three of your favourite bands or artists at the moment.
1. Franz Ferdinand
2. Blatz
3. Cat Power
Three new things you want to try in the next twelve months.
1. Maybe I'll pull that girlfriend stunt XP
2. I wonder what human meat tastes like. Dunno...
3. Learn some German.
Three things you want in a relationship, other than love.
1. Sex.
2. Fun.
3. Space.
Three things you just can't do.
1. Care about imaginary numbers.
2. Watch a whole chick flick.
3. Step on a snake.
Three of your favorite hobbies.
1. Kicking ass.
2. Music.
3. Sex. Doodling horribly.
Three things you want to do really badly right now.
1. Punch something.
2. Preferably my bees.
3. Or the Kool-Aid Man.
Three careers you're considering.
1. Is kicking ass and taking names a career?
2. Drummer
3. Professional pencil maker.
Three places you want to go on vacation.
1. Germany.
2. South America
3. Australia.
Three kids' names.
1. Serafina.
2. Asshat.
3. Neil.
Three things you want to do before you die.
1. Punch my mom in the face
2. Save a kid from a burning building.
3. Shove a stranger's face into their food.
Three people who have to do this (if they want to).
1. Fuck
2. That
3. .
(A) Recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.