My very 1st entry..Yay!

Aug 03, 2007 21:48

Well, well...

Just started with this new journey of writing..actually I dont know why I made another account.. Who knows how many accounts I've made,jk.. But seriously, I've heard friends saying that I should make an account here in livejournal. I've often thought about it but never got to actually make an effort to visit or start an account, until NOw that is.

I'm not much of a talker. Im more of a writer so this  suits me more than conducting speeches or standing in front of a large audience. Plus, standing on a podium always give me the hibbyjibbies..if you know what I mean. I also wanted to practice my typing so I  wont get rusty or anything.  I've always prided myself of my ability to type with all my fingers in their proper position in the keyboard. I have to give credit to my typing teacher for that one. He made us memories the letter positions in a typewriter and he tested us by turning off the lights and making us type what ever words that popped into his mind, the clever old geezer.  hehe..well anyway, on with my first rambling,

I just finished browsing the net for anime fanfics. Today I'm quite thirsty for some Kyou Kara Maou (God save our King!) fics so visited one of my favorite sites to make tambay-tambay (hang-out)...FANFICTION.NET

I'm also a writer there, if anybody is curious enough. But I don't think I'm quite a good writer. I mean I still think there is room for more improvement. What with Engliesh not being my first language and all. I still get confused with the tenses and what nots.

unang entry (1st entry)

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