May 29, 2005 20:37
T'has been yet another long time since my last entry...mind you the last break was ALOT longer! *tee hee* Anywayz i'll give you the update on what i can remember of what happend since my last goes. So i had a pretty good week at school. I didnt have any fights with friends, or family, or anyone for that matter. Well theres still that fight with cam...but lets not get into detail on that, cuz there really are no details on that matter. SO on friday we had a feild trip to Elk Island. It was pretty fun...i guess. We left the school at 8:30am and then got there at like...i ' 9:30. Yea so we started with a hike, we had to take our bags with us(which sucked) and along the way my bag broke! It was actually kind of funny. ANYWAY back to the hike. We pretty much jsut walked along and then the "guide" would point out different things that had to do with buffalo like these buffalo baths, peices from a buffalo spine, buffalo hair, buffalo prints...OH and there was also a dead buffalo carcus! I never actually got to see the carcus...see we were n a swamp area... there was alot of water. So me and Keaton were walking towards it and we ended up sinking our feet up to our ankles in dirty swamp water. So eventually we gave up and walked back, with our sloshing shoes. After everyone got back from the carcus we ventured back, back towards the campground..thing...When we got back we ate, we had hotdogs, chips, and water. T'was quite yummy actually. And again we ventured on for a walk(please note that this walk was about..oh i dunno... 1/50 of the size). We looked out to see a buffalo in some was kinda cool. THEN we got back on the bus, and went to this park place. I was running around and then Me, Rachel, And Nigel spotted a lake. We ran in, it was really shallow. So when we werent too far out we decided to race back...i didnt actually know that we were racing and a few moments later i realized that Nigel and Rachel had already started! So i ran and ended up winning! It was funny really. It was only after that, that we discovered there were leaches in that lake...*uck* SO we got back on the bus AGAIN but this time we were goin home. So on the way me and Keaton sat together and while listening to his Mini I-Pod i fell asleep, and ended up sleeping on his shoulder. So a little while later he got tired and fell asleep, and it ended up that i was on his shoulder and that his head was resting on mine. So Keaton woke up because of some "awww's!". ANd then i woke up cuz he was like yelling "I WAS AWAKE!" or summin like that. Apparently they were taking pictures! They were cool pictures.. BUT NOT THE POINT! I WAS LIKE AHHHHH! LoL. Anyway after the bus ride we got off, it ended up that we got back around...3:18 and the buses had already left so i had to walk. I then realized my pants were still soaked so i went to the locker room and changed my shoes and pants. I left the shoes at shcool and put my pants in my bag. So Mer, Rachel, Megan, and Mike walked to McDonalds (cuz thats where the bus stop is). And we wanted to get ice-cream but sadly THEY DIDNT HAVE ICE-CREAM! So we decided to take the bus to the other McDonalds. When the bus arrived i went to look for my bus pass and guess what. It wasnt there! So everyone was on the bus when it left and i was jsut standing there, But you shudda seen the look on rachels face! IT WAS HILLARIOUS! SO i walked to the crossing and Rachel was waiting for me there. We walkedto the Mc Donalds and FINALLY got our ice-cream. Then we walked home. So ok, i went on MSN when i got home, and it turns out Stephanie is all pissed of at us. I'm not going into details because it is a private issue and it invloves more than just me, but its bad. Anyway that night Kris invited me over for a sleepover, and i went over there and it turns out i had to babysit! BUT I WASNT SUPPOSED TO! She TOLD me June 3rd but NoOoOoOoO she was WRONG. So i had to leave Kris' house and babysit. But after i baby-sat i went to kris' yet again and slept over. T'was cool. So we spent the next day together, we went to the Zoo. It was really honestly. We saw all the animals! But i find it mean how they cagte up endangered makes me sad...WE GOT TO PET A ZEBRA. It was uberly awesome. ANd when we went to the petting zoo we petted baby sheep, not baby sheep...(sheep), and goats. Kris was afraid of the goats tho, so she didnt pet the goats. Later on when we were looking at the tiger we ran into my old buddy jon. I think he was kindof afraid of us tho...WHATEVER so we ended our zoo trip by going on the train. SO then i ended up staying at Kris' house for yet another sleepover. We played Quija! And OH MY GOD! Is it creepy! its this game that predicts the future. You put your hands on this thing and you ask a question and it etiehr spells out the answer or shows you the number. We found out that Kim is going to die at the age of 78. No joke IT MOVES! SO we were scared and all slept together in this impossibly small double bed. I dont know how we managed it but we did. And then we were woken up by kim and had to read all morning, i also wrote a few journal entries. Now i have 4/10. So yea...thats about all i've done....even though it seems like alot..well..i guessi t is! LoL anywhoo i'm done! Write Yea Lator Gator!