Less shippy?

Jul 14, 2009 01:08

I just watched a bit of FMA:B over my brother's shoulder (I am still waaaay behind), and is it just me, or are they cutting out a lot of the shippy bits?

What is it about FMA:B that fails to suck me in like the first anime and the manga did? I've only watched episodes 1-4 and then bits of the rest and I'm not in a big hurry to catch up. What gives


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Comments 16

vwl July 14 2009, 14:17:00 UTC
Yeah, they've cut out a LOT and sped things up quite a bit through the beginning bits. I figure they're going to slow it down once we get to the part that hasn't been animated (so like...now). Considering we have 97+ chapters to cover and 50 some episodes to do it in, I can understand their hurry.

All in all, it might be rushed, but I'm definitely enjoying seeing my favorite manga bits animated. :) They're following the manga really quite closely. ♥


rinfang July 14 2009, 22:25:04 UTC
I just want to see the Roy vs. Lust battle and Olivia!!!!! *loves Olivia*


fullmetalrose July 14 2009, 14:30:56 UTC
LOL ... well they pretty much cut out a majority of what we know BUT still tell the basic storyline ... also remember this IS the mangaverse so yeah it is alot different and Ep 15 brings in Ling.

When I spoke with Travis (Roy), Wendy (Envy) at a con in May they confirmed coming back as the English VA's and how they love the darkness of it and none of them have read the manga and are catching it via subs on Funimation's site ... yeah it is VERY dark and very interesting ... but you'll see I adore FMA in every shape and form ... ^^;

Not everyone like the new anime, yes I will admit it didn't GRAB me like the first one sucked me in just by seeing previews back in what 2003??? ... but I am enjoying it all the same ^^


rinfang July 14 2009, 22:28:39 UTC
... so does that mean Vic is still going to be Ed? That's... really disappointing. I was hoping they'd find someone knew so Ed wouldn't sound like a thirty-year-old man. Plus, I strongly dislike Vic. I met him at a con once, and he was really condescending and just totally hit my 'douchebage' button.

Of course, I loved Travis and- agh, what's Hohenheim's VA's name? I love him. He's great.

FMA is the best!!! It is the only series ever that I have loved both the anime and manga equally. I just don't get my lack of excitement at this new one. I mean, it's FMA!!! Hm, maybe it will be different once Olivia shows up.


fullmetalrose July 14 2009, 23:37:09 UTC
LOL ... ok I will tell you what I know ( ... )


rinfang July 15 2009, 00:47:02 UTC
You should tell me what you think of Vic, when you meet him. The time I talked to him really put me off, and I have strongly disliked him ever since. The crap thing about disliking him is it ruined my love for the English dub, since every time I heard Ed it made me think of Vic. I am hoping he's not really a douchebag, so if he does do Ed's voice again it won't bug me so much.

Vic's Rangers are really, very scary :(

That's awesome that you're an actress. I know absolutely nothing about acting or theater. My brother's girlfriend used to do costumes and props and all that for movie sets, but the most contact I've had with anything theater related was I used to volunteer to help clean up/restore old theaters.


nochick_fics July 14 2009, 15:08:26 UTC
Welcome to the darkside, my dear.

The lack of shippy (that makes me giggle for some reason) is one of the multitude of reasons I don't care for Brotherhood myself. And it's just like you said: it doesn't suck me in at all. I inhaled the first series. This one? Meh. I'll watch the rest of it. Eventually. I'm interested to see how they interpret parts of the manga but overall? I could take it or leave it. I prefer to leave it, for now.


rinfang July 14 2009, 22:30:56 UTC
I think part of it is in the first anime, you really didn't know what was going to happen next. The same with the manga. But with this new series... there are no surprises.

I think I'll just watch the bits with all the gorgeous girls <3


(The comment has been removed)

rinfang July 14 2009, 22:33:16 UTC
That's what I love about FMA- the lack of shippy. It's all about the characters, and all the characters are awesome. (Even Envy, whom I hate, is awesome in his evil fucktard way.)

I want to love the new series. After that first episode I thought I was going to, but instead I'm all, meh, I'll get to it.



sarasati July 15 2009, 00:11:15 UTC
I think I just like the new anime cause the animations are much more pretty, Lol.


rinfang July 15 2009, 00:47:24 UTC
Well, there is that. And all the girls are extra pretty!!!!


sarasati July 15 2009, 00:50:57 UTC


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