
Apr 07, 2009 14:40

*sigh* My brother sucked all the culinary skillz out of the gene pool before I was born. What a jerk.

I tried to make chocolate muffins today and ended up with very strange looking chocolate brownies. I should have known better, but it's not like I could just walk over to the bakery. The doctor was very clear on the fact that I am not to be walking that far, and I can't get the wheelchair down the stairs by myself. I was tempted to send Jing, but she's eight, so I figured that would probably not be the best idea.

Not that there's a shortage of sweet stuff in our house, my brother has been stressed and so he's been baking like crazy.

Anyway-- emwitchwood, send me some of your deluxe chocolate muffins!!! Please? Pretty please? I'll send you Ed/Royai doujinshi?

rl, baking fail

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