Bad me! D:

Oct 17, 2006 16:28

Look at me neglect my LJ all month! xP

So like, I've been semi-kinda busy alot lately and seem to have fallen behind on alot of online stuff. For the first week or so I was playing Grandia and Xenosaga, but then I had a long Phonetics assignment on IPA transcription, plenty of little quizes, labs, a really stupid assignment in Dialects, and my German midterm [which I can't seem to study for] is tomorrow morning.

I finally arranged to get my U:C box CD-thing yesterday. It's very flowery and gay. It makes me happy. It's quite big [almost twice the size of my POWER SCALE box CD-thinger] so I don't know exactly where I'm going to put it on my shelf. Right now it's on top of my Iceman live tapes. xD

I need to start buying presents for people soon. X-mas time is around the corner. So far I only know what to get anonymous_mana, since she's had it picked out for a little while. If tael87 wants something online, decide by the middle of November. eCheck clear + shipping takes time. D:

I should eat more healthy stuff. I think I've been running on empty too long. It's bad for the body.

I need to learn European geography and a bunch of German cultural information now. It's not very fun. All I've managed to do so far is to use my creativity and come up a couple of phrases to remember the countries that border Germany. xPP

Where's the free hug campaign? Rie Rie feels like crap.

On a side note: IT IS GETTING FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE. This morning there was frost on everything, and I could see my breath while walking to the bus stop. I should probably start wearing gloves soon. xP
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