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becquinho February 5 2011, 06:48:12 UTC
......I shouldn't be so charmed by the fact that he's basically being rather somewhat of a neurotic clean freak with high expectations here hdsklhld ilh ♥
so many cute images here \:D/


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 06:52:43 UTC
The whole time I was translating this, I kept imagining Kame cleaning my room for me ♥ (tells you how much cleaning my room needs >_>)

Him telling girls off for chipping nail polish = best image evah ♥


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 06:54:25 UTC
Also, him not being popular with girls = he's more popular with guys? 8D


becquinho February 5 2011, 06:58:04 UTC
OLD GUYS...SOB (and some cute young ones...everyone who actually meets Kame always getting starryeyed over him is like my favorite thing ever 8D)


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:00:17 UTC
LOLOL. Guess which name came to me first? Saito Naoki.

Bawling that he's not real :(


ayuzak February 5 2011, 07:15:18 UTC
Ok is this saito san the baseball guy in fitz fic? If so then i need to bawl with you


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:15:56 UTC
Yes - the really hot Nakamaru T___T


ayuzak February 5 2011, 07:26:48 UTC
Omg we really are best friends. Fitz told me that kame will eventually get bored with him. Everyday i think of reasons to counter that argument. The dinner date was so fucking perfect. I love them. I am the worse akame fan ever.


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:30:13 UTC

The date was too good. I can see how Kame might get bored with him, but since it's Kame, I bet he will stay committed to him ♥ And Saito is too nice and adorable and loving to Kame that Kame will never say no to him.

Fitz, look what you've done to me T____T Excuse me while I go on abstinence from everything that is not Akame for the next 30 years T____T


soundczech February 5 2011, 07:42:57 UTC
sobbing, you have so much faith in kame... i think he's really fickle (jin excluded). in my head his attitude to guys is like his attitude to the hobbies he picks up for dramas. intense but short-lived... jin is baseball and naoki is wine. hitoshi was totally confident and self-actualised before hurricane kazuya. #savenaoki


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:47:51 UTC
Maybe Naoki can be like surfing - Kame will eventually get bored of it, but he keeps up with it cos he knows it's good for him his body.

Hurricane Kazuya lolol. That destroyed Hitoshi, poor dude.


ayuzak February 5 2011, 07:50:48 UTC
I love you so much right now.


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:56:25 UTC


misao_duo February 5 2011, 14:13:00 UTC

Kame still loves surfing.
Naoki will have to be something else like...nail decoration.
It was fun for a while, and looked good, but in the long run it's too much trouble just for something that will fall off really quick :B


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 14:20:37 UTC
*dies* Kame will scrap it all off when it starts peeling T___T Poor Naoki.


misao_duo February 5 2011, 14:25:12 UTC
Scrap it all off and forget it foreeeeever #akameshippersareintense


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