May 12, 2006 14:27
Love your post - it echoed so many things I felt last night. In addition to the major relevations and LoVe goodness, there were many details that made me almost as happy as the flashier, more important plot-and-relationship stuff. In no particular order:
I loved Veronica impersonating G-G-Gia;
Keith visiting Vinnie in jail - tiny violin - priceless!;
The 1st time I almost cried (in a good way) - Veronica telling Mr. C to stay cool;
Corny telling Mac & Cass about Goodwood's capture was too funny - can't help it, I love Corny's wackiness;
When CW's face appeared, I yelled "hell yeah!" even though I was watching alone;
Dick looked maarvellous - he was soo hot, and I've never thought that before;
Veronica & Keith - about NY - her: SoHo, the MOMA - him: Yankee Stadium, Shea Stadium, MSG.
And Logan - what to say about all the crap that keeps raining down on that boy? When he finally grows up, he's either going to be the biggest jerk the world has ever seen, or the kindest, most understanding man who ever lived in LA. He will live in LA, eventually, and be either a writer or director. There were a quite a few people who seemed to be upset that Veronica & Logan were kissing w/in days of the bombing/suicide/murder, but for me, the essence of Veronica & Logan is their tangible physical connection. Not their sexuality, but their physicality. Yeah, they're sexy, but it's more than that. Even when they weren't friends, Logan always seemed to be touching Veronica, and she let him invade her space and seemed to encourage him to come closer.
On the roof, when he wrapped his arms around her, their chemistry, the intimacy of his gesture, was beautiful. You could see it in the "Pieta" pose, too. Veronica's face is turned into the crook of his arm and her hand rests on his inner thigh. The next morning, when she wakes and he runs to her, his hands tangle in her hair and he rubs his cheek against her head as he comforts her. Their actions are so emotionally telling, and I didn't feel as though we needed to hear their "conversation" to understand why he was twirling her into the hallway and kissing her. Of course, both KB and JD are fantabulous actors, but their physical chemistry is magical and organic, and I doubt it can be taught in acting class.
On the subject of acting, I thought Steve Guttenburg did a terrific job in a difficult part. Earlier in the season, he totally sold me on the goofy, gladhanding politician, but was stomach-turningly creepy and malevolent in the ep b/4 this. And his speech to Keith, about the boys he "cared for", even though it was classic, cliched pedophilia, was spot-on and completely believable.
I so did NOT want to believe Cassidy was the Big Bad, but last weekend, I watched the entire 2d season, and he made the most sense for it. KG's performance, and Cassidy's evilness, was heartbreaking on so many levels. I adored Cass & Mac as a couple and thought their connection was almost as strong as Vee & Logan's. Two scenes where they were completely in sinc - when Cass insists Mac ask him to the Sadie Hawkins dance, and when they tutor Weevil. The banter between them was so great, very much 1940s Bogie & Bacall or Tracy & Hepburn.
I choose to believe Cassidy truly cared for Mac, though he was too far gone down the road of evil to ever have a healthy relationship with her, and Mac is going to be emotionally traumatized by the events of graduation night. TM was shattering in her last scene with Veronica. Damn, that girl can ACT! As much as anything else that happened, she blew me away. TPTB have to bring her back as a regular.
A couple of random thoughts:
1. Am I the only one who thought Lilly's crack about girl-on-girl "experimentation" was a shout-out to fanfic?
2. At the diner, when Jackie's mom answers the phone, does she say "Brooklyn Dance" and was that a continuity thing for Veronica's comment about Jackie's years of dance lessons paying off (on her first night of waitressing at the Hut)?
Finally, tho I'm a big LoVe shipper, I never hated Duncan (or TD) and it was great to see him laughing & joking w/ Logan & Dick. Felt like closure for us as well as Veronica. All in all, a wonderful season ending.