I feel like I'm forever playing catch-up

Mar 14, 2009 02:43

I've been meaning to make a post with actual content since last Sunday; but things kept coming up and I never quite got around to it. So, of course when I have to be up early in the morning seems like the best time to update, no? XD

Last Saturday zaldan and I played host to akuma_neko and darthmarysue. akuma_neko and darthmarysue and I got all dressed up to attend little_finch's epic!birthday tea party at the Royal York. I drank some excellent Kyoto Cherry Rose tea and took a couple of nice photos of people all dressed up in their fancy clothing (I got some especially lovely ones of darthmarysue and sakurak) that I really ought to get around to editing and possibly tossing up on my still undeniably empty flickr account. I'll get on that as soon as I finish editing the other oh... several hundred photos I've been meaning to sort through dating back to last May.

Sunday was the AN meeting - the highlight of which is always seeing people - not really much else I can say on the matter. After akuma_neko and darthmarysue headed home, zaldan, viewpoints and I met up to see Watchmen. I could devote an entire post to my thoughts on the movie - so I probably will end up devoting an entire post to it. Of course, the aforementioned post will be behind an lj cut for those who fear spoilers/haven't seen it/aren't interested. In the interim, I'll sum up: I liked it! I need a Watchmen icon, either Nite Owl or Dr. Manhattan.

Wednesday: I got good news! Watch this space for more details regarding this good news in the near future. :D

Thursday was coffee with dynastessa. ♥

Today (Friday) was my second viewing of Watchmen. So. Good. I noticed so much this time around that I missed the first time.

Tomorrow (Saturday): I had initially planned to head to darthmarysue's Pi day celebration where much delicious pie will be consumed in honour of this day - but trying to arrange transportation TO said party proved to be difficult to sort out. So after some discussion I've decided to go to Montreal with my parental units, my baby brother and his girlfriend.

If you're celebrating pi with pie tomorrow? Have a slice for me. Or several.

I'll be back from Montreal on Tuesday!

fandomy things, i lack an appropriate icon, instrospective, family, friends, movies, current state of things, home, tea, getting things done

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