The Golden Compass. (Spoiler free)

Jan 04, 2008 00:37

My first real post of the new year - and of course, it's about a film. XD

That being said, it is way too late on a work night for me to stay up writing about it tonight - because I know myself too well. If I start now, I won't stop until I feel I'm done and that will likely be hours from now. ~_~

So. Point form.

*To my surprise, I actually really enjoyed the movie. Do I prefer the books? Of course I do. But, I liked the movie.

*Brilliant casting across the board. Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Coulter? Perfect. Sam Elliot as Lee Scoresby - spot on. Derek Jacobi as the head of the Magisterium? Gave me chills! .. which leads me to the next logical thought:

*The MASTER runs the Magisterium. XD Is it just me? Or is that just BEGGING for a Golden Compass/Doctor Who crossover fic?

*The attention to detail was quite impressive. I loved the look of the buildings & the machinery. Especially the detail on the alethiometer.

*Daemons. I loved the seamless shifts as the children's daemon's changed forms. Little touches in particular like when Roger's daemon loses her balance on the roof and changes from a dog to a bird - to stop herself from falling.

*I do wish they'd gone into more detail about the taboo against touching another person's daemon - I know they sorta dealt with that. But.. at the same time, not really.

*People died. And stayed dead. For me, that's always something that stands out when something is "geared for children". And is as it should be - as thats what happens in the books.

*... what happened to the end of the book? Seriously. Where did it go? O_o But I'll go into more of a write up on that later.

I need to see it again - after I re-read the book. dynastessa are you game?


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