Pirates! drink up me hearties, yo ho!

May 28, 2007 23:11

So today, there was post Con movie outing to see Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End.

Yar, beware there be spoilers in this journal these waters...

I don't think I'll be able to manage a full entry on the movie until I see it for at least a SECOND time. But I'll give it my best.

I have to say though. I REALLY enjoyed it. Seriously. I'm not saying it was perfect - because really, it wasn't. There were some truly implausible things about it (and that's without even touching on the complete historical inaccuracies) and several plot holes - at least, to the best of my knowledge of the canon - were plot holes. There were very few things in the movie that surprised me, but I'm ok with that.

I really, really liked it.


*much darker than the first two movies -> lots of death. In the first movie, I was able to count the number of people who died. More people died in the first what, 15 minutes of this movie than in the entirety of the first movie?

*some genuinely funny moments, too numerous to list without repeated watchings (with the exception of "Four of you tried to kill me, one of you succeeded" - but I remember that one from the trailer). Oh and the crabs + the boat. And the mid-battle-wedding.

*we counted 8 distict double-cross moments in the movie because we are nerds! We didn't even bother with the triple crosses. XD

*Elizabeth's wardrobe. Seriously loved those outfits.

*Elizabeth is the Pirate King!

*Keith Richards! 'Nuff said.

*Character deaths. Governor Swann, was well, not really an emotional thing for me. Norrington felt sort of like they went, "hmmm we don't really need him for anything now and we can't kill any of the MAIN people so..." That sort of bothered me a bit, (which I admit is because he's really one of my favourite characters from the films) though if he had to go - I think I'm ok with the way they did it. What I wanted from this movie, was for him to be redeemed and I DID get that. So. I'll see how I feel after watching the movie again.

*Tia Dalma as Calypso? That was unexpected. The her and Davy Jones as lovers thing, not at all not so much - that was pretty much a given.

*Bootstrap Turner's moment on the ship when he meets Elizabeth for the first time was really quite heart-wrenching. Like speaking to someone with Alzheimer's, and having an entire conversation and then them immediately forgetting it. It actually made me a bit teary.

*Will is the dread pirate Roberts. XD And that's all I have to say about that. The Davy Jones heart thing? Completely called it. And again, I'm ok with that.

Though, Kelsi mentioned something I hadn't heard before, after the movie. I'd assumed, that by taking Jones' place on the Flying Dutchman, Will would be bound there forever. Not so apparently, according to the Disney blog. If Will returned after the 10 years and found Elizabeth had waited for him, he'd be free. And since she did, (as evidenced by the ending of the movie after the credits) he's no longer bound by the curse. So the white shirt is symbolic then? I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts on this...

*Johnny Depp. Over and over and over again.

So, I will see it again. akuma_neko I will DEFINITELY see it with you when you get back from Japan! No question about it. XD To anyone who's thinking of seeing it, make sure you stay past the end of the credits!!

Also, I think I'm kind of doomed. The plot bunnies are back. So. Very. Doomed.

movies, friends

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