At a point where I should be reviewing my life

Mar 24, 2006 23:42

There’s a certain calm that comes with sitting around my room in my underwear. I’m still attempting to process all the excitement that was my birthday. I am a year older; hopefully a year wiser. School has become somewhat of an experiment in tolerance. I’m working on putting together my senior exhibition. The working question is “What influence did Catholicism play on the colonization of the Americas and what were some of the resulting amalgam religions?” It’s going to concentrate on Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santeria, Vodou and other phenomena.
My birthday was excellent. In the morning I opened gifts with my family. At school Val called me into the office and there were like 20 balloons from the Schreiners. This afternoon I decorated multiethnic, nipple cupcakes with Ellen. Eventually people showed up for the party, not as many as I’d hoped for, but enough so that it was fun. I think this is the only day of the year where I feel no guilt for receiving presents. In other amazing news my court case was dismissed. I am so incredibly happy. I think the dismissal was the best gift I could get.
Usually I would continue musing about life, liberty and all that other good stuff like pursuit of happiness/property, but I am so drained in the human dignity department. I’m feeling extremely shallow and surf starved. Spring break could not come at a better time. One more week and I’m free.

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