north-south? no! city-country!

Nov 06, 2008 15:23

For all those looking at the electoral map and despairing once again about the south and the middle, bear this in mind:

The biggest electoral divide in the US is urban-rural, not north-south.

To whit, of the 70 largest metropolitan centres in the US, the tally was:

Obama: 63
McCain: 7

Further, of the 7 that McCain won, one was his home town (Phoenix), and three were incredibly close (Salt Lake City, Jacksonville and Fresno). That basically leaves Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Bakersfield as the largest cities to vote solidly Republican.

Among the cities that Obama won handily were:
Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio, Texas
Atlanta, Georgia
St Louis and Kansas City, Missouri
Tampa and Orlando, Florida
Indianapolis, Indiana
Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee
Louisville, Kentucky
Birmingham, Alabama
New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Omaha, Nebraska
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