Jan 14, 2007 00:58
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Full Name:: Corinne M. (I have my own plaid.) Barber
Birthday:: February 1985
Birthplace:: true born masshole.
Eye Color:: blue…they change color when I’m drunk…quite funny actually.
Hair Color:: brun
Height:: 5 eight
Weight:: well let us put it this way…I’ve lost weight and it’s the first time in a LONG time I’ve been able to fit into this size jean…
Right handed or Left handed?: Righty…I mean why would I want to be anything else>
Your Heritage:: I am what they call a WASP…pure bred bitch.
My Worst Habit:: thinking too much
Zodiac Sign:: it depends on which magazine you look in…
Shoe Size:: 10-11
Pants Size:: not a 12
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: yes ma’am
The Shoes You Wore Today:: the same shoes I wear almost every day- my birks
Your Weakness:: chocolate, beer, and whiskey
Your Fears:: cockroaches, cleaning the shower drain, or hating what I end up doing
Your Perfect Pizza:: mmmm, onions mushrooms and broccholi
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: get back to where I was
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: BAMF
Thoughts First Waking Up:: God I hate this.
Your Best Physical Feature:: I like my hair and my eyeballs
Your Bedtime:: atleast an hour after I actually get into bed
Your Most Missed Memory:: bum hugs
Favorite color?: blue
Food?: Italian, salad
Sport?: waffle ball!
Animal?: steak
Ice Cream?: plain chocolate
Candy?: reecies peecies (reese’s pieces)
Store?: newbies
Salad Dressing?: ken’s steakhouse house dressing in natick
Actor?: joseph fiennes, sean connery, jude law (he got kinda gross)…
Song?: locus iste?
Letter?: z…but only because it’s fun to write in cursive.
Number?: 5
Gum?: orbit citrus mint
Holiday?: christmas
Season?: fall
Toothpaste Flavor?: straight up mint… fuck all you people and your odd toothpaste flavors! DOWN WITH THE CINAMON!
Radio Station?: bru, aaf, bcn?
Perfume?: sunflowers
Scent besides perfume?: rain
Body part on the opposite sex?: eyes or back
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: dear lord don’t ask me
How Do You Want To Die?: happy
Turn ons:: eyes, sincerity, laughing, confidence
Turn offs:: smoking, and I don’t know about you girls, but I refuse REFUSE to date a guy that is either a) prettier than I am or b) wears pink
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: jessy.
Who's The Loudest?: yali.
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: sean
Who Have You Known The Longest?: nikki
Who's The Shyist?: suze?
When Have You Cried The Most?: let’s just start at the end of October and keep a running count shall we?
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: nailing a piece on stage and being in love with someone that loves you back
Worst Feeling?: see two questions ago
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Bostown (go Yankees)
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: the ability to chill.
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: dunno.
Let's walk on the: sand.
Let's look at the: evidence
What a nice: ass
Where did all the: rum go?
Why can't we: try
Silly, little: wee man
Isn't it weird that: the big mac and chicken caeser salad are both just as bad for you?
Never under any circumstance: mess with the man in black
I wish: I had a brain
Everyone has a : genital area
I am: comfy
Been In Love?: yes
Been To Juvie?: quite a lovely place actually…or not
Mooned Someone?: yes
Been Rejected?: yes
Ran Away From Home?: uh…stayed the night somewhere else because I was too drunk to drive…
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: oh yes
Skipped School?: in highscool.
Thought About Suicide?: not really
Slept Outside?: nope
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: dear lord yes
Cried In School?: yeah (sorry fern…)
Thrown Up In School?: don’t remember?
Wanted To Be a Model?: never
Cheated On Someone?: yep
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: I like to refer to it as freshman year
Seen A Dead Body?: yes
Been Bitched Out?: anyone that answers no to this question is living on the set of 7th heaven or some shit
Drank Alcohol?: BEER! and Jameson J
Smoked?: mmmhmmm
Been On Drugs?: only those made by the hand of god.
Eaten Sushi?: Yay spicy roll!
Been On Stage?: symphony how I love thee
Gone Skinny Dipping?: navel of bacchus!
Shoplifted?: no.
Been Drunk?: yesm
Been Called A Tease?: Oh yes
Been Beaten Up?: no…
Swear?: like a trucker…only I like to think I’m a little more inventive
Sing Well?: only in my car
Shower Daily?: every morning
Want To Go To College?: I’m finishing bitch.
Want To Get Married?: I have been thrown back into the debate…
Believe In Yourself?: on occasion
Get Motion Sickness?: sure
Think You Are Attractive?: on occasion
Get Along With Your Parents?: uh…dad sure.
Like Thunderstorms?: LOVE thunderstorms
Play An Instrument?: I miss playing it…but yes
Pray?: no
Go To Church?: weddings, funerals, and when I’m paid to show up
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: my moose (emoo) and my gorilla (bertha)
Keep A Journal/Diary?: since 5th grade.
Dance In The Rain?: when I get the chance
Sing In The Shower?: not really
Pepsi or Coke?: coke…unless it’s from a plastic bottle…ewww
McDonald's or Burger King?: Wendy’s
Single or Group Dates?: single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: raspberries (you know these questions are limiting my individuality…I’m going to have to kill myself now because you hate me and aren’t letting me be me…)
Meat or Veggies?: I have incisors for a reason damn it…but I do love my veggies
TV or Movie?: tv
Guitar or Drums?: Geetar
Adidas or Nike?: new balance
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Raisin Bran
Cake or Pie?: PIE…more specifically mom’s apple pie…I really won’t eat any other kind.
MTV or VH1?: neither
Blind or Deaf?: blind
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers…hanger boxers, not bag boxers
Do The Splits?: uh…yes
Write With Both Hands?: no
Whistle?: no…
Blow A Bubble?: Yes, many and then I can annoy the shit out of you by cracking my gum in a sparatic manner
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: chya
Cross Your Eyes?: kinda hurts but yeah
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: is it hard?
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: wait a minute…
Dance?: yes…I don’t know how well though
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: no….and I hate you people that can
You Touched:: poppa
You Talked To On The Phone:: madre
You Instant Messaged:: E
You Hugged:: sean
You Yelled At:: eric
You Played A Sport With:: uh….does tossing a football count?
Time You Laughed?: few hours ago
Time You Cried?: thursday
Movie You Watched?: V for Vendetta
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: trident something?
Joke You Told?: not one I’m willing to tell here
Song You've Sung?: Tribute (yay tenacious D)
Where Are You?: ma room in muleville
What Can You See Out Your Window?: id tell you if the shades weren’t down
Are You Listening To Music?: no
What Are You Wearing?: pajama pants a shirt and a sweater…
What's On Your Mousepad?: can we say bed spread?
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yeah
Do you believe in miracles?: sometimes
Magic?: ???
Love at first sight?: no
God?: in some form
Satan?: nah
Ghosts?: sure
Santa?: I live with him for chrissake
Evolution?: Yes
IN A Boy
Fav Eye Color:: blue
Fav Hair Color:: brown
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: taller
Weight:: toned?
Best Clothing Style:: jeans and a t shirt
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: London Ireland Scotland
Number Of CD's I Own:: few hundred
Your Good Luck Charm:: don’t have one
How many pillows do you sleep with?: three…I only use two though
Do you drink milk?: love the stuff
Person You Hate Most:: I dunno…I don’t think I hate anybody…it’s kinda nice
Most Outdated Phrase:: Duh.
Do you think God has a gender?: um…no but I bet they wish they did….
Where do you think we go when we die?: um… usually in a coffin…
How many rings until you answer the phone?: this depends on many factors: am I watching tv, am I near the phone, is the ringer even on, and I already on the phone, do I want to talk to the person calling>
What is something scientists need to invent?: synthetic fuel
Are you a health freak?: not in the slightest
Are you a virgin?: does the pope shit in the woods?
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: for a drive around the orbit…
What is the worst weather?: hot and humid
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: I had soooooo many of those things…but no kens because my little brother would always decapitate and de-limb them.
How many grades have you failed?: nada biatch