Oct 04, 2006 12:49
I'm at work and desperately trying to avoid doing a paper that i desperately need to be writing...
Concert update instead.
Months ago when I walked in the door from the dentist, face half numb, unable to fully utilize the "smile" function I was given at birth, and pissed off that I had to pay for my visit despite awesome dental insurance the wonderful boy walked up to me and said, "Guess what I did today?" Long story short he'd bought the two of us to go see Aerosmith and Motley Crue. I was ofcourse ecstatic and the ensuing smile...or half missing smile made, Sean laugh so hard he almost pissed his pants.
That concert was a week ago today (that being Tuesday). Sean LOVED Motley and I was wicked psyched about Aerosmith. It's true, Steven Tyler is the hottest ugly man on the face of the planet. It had SO much fun and I'm so glad that I got to go before they started to do the whole "We're too old to do this but can't admit it to ourselves so we're going to continue on and ruin everything kick ass we've done in the process," stint. Hopefully they'll never get there...but you know. SO glad that I got to see them. So much fun. AMAZING I tell you. We missed the encore because we figured that when Joe Perry plowed into the drum set and knocked half of it over, there was no more...we were wrong and missed Love in and Elevator, but got out of the parking lot in under 5 minutes.
Exactly one week later was the rather short drive to Manchester NH to see the wonderful Maynard James Keenan....that is ofcourse, to see Tool with Susan. (May I just say this: YAY for Suze's lead foot). The opening band was eh, at best. Tool was actually neat to watch..much more to actually watch besides the band...artsy movie clips and what not...lazer lights... and despite the fact that I hated Motley's naked girls, pyrotechnics, fireworks, and the like because it was so damned distracting...this was actually really neat to see. I was disappointed that Maynard never left the back half of the stage... not a very audience interactive band I suppose...maybe they were at one point in time. Maybe it's too much information...but Maynard was hot. Just the way that guy was moving was delicious. Ouff. That's enough of that though. One annoying guy behind us, a bunch of water bottles being tossed into the audience as well as all the drum heads, and a "goodnight" later it was over. (no encore, sad face). Managed to get home in an hour and 15 INCLUDING the bit of traffic in the beginning...oh yeah, and the essential Wendy's on Park on our arrival back to the Woo. Like I said, HOO RAH for Suze's foot of lead and her very Masshole like blocking of the assholes that tool up the right hand lane only to cut off most of the people that have waited patiently in the left hand lane. GO SUZE.
That, ladies and gentlemen is my concert upate. I don't think I'm going to be going to anymore for awhile and that I will be listening to lots of classical music rather softly for quite sometime to help heal my poor little ear drums.
In the meantime- I've been getting see the boy quite a bit, which is wonderful. Last weekend was spent almost entirely in bed watching the Kill Bills and eating Dominoes. What, I ask you, is better than that when you're tired as all hell? Nothing, I say. NOTHING! He's my favorite. End of story.
In the meantime, I'm hungry and still have 40 minues left of work. Booo. It's going to be food, nap and mad paperage whenst I get home.
Thank you for your time.