Shock and Awe - by
hackthis Chuck/Awesome. Yes. You totally read that right. Everyone is constantly slashing Chuck with Casey, and I mean... well, who can blame you, because Adam Baldwin's appeal defies words. But this... is kind of silly and actually sort of how it might actually go, if something like this were to happen. And there's pie.
The Office
The Proust Questionnaire, Dunder Mifflin style.
Part One I
Part Two - by
crackers4jenn General. The Office employees answer various questions from What's your favorite color? to Who is your favorite heroine of fiction? Pink pink pink and Katie Couric, respectively. I chose this because it's just so damned funny. I love her writing. Everyone is just so perfectly in character.
If the Colonial Fleet Ever Finds Earth, They'd do Well to Take up Beet Farming - by
pirateygoodness Dwight/Angela. Battlestar Gallactica is awesome. No, really. Not just Dwight thinks so. So when Angela starts watching, she starts to understand just a little bit about the effect it has on her man. Supercute.
Sincerely Yours - by
iwanaide Nino/Sho, Aiba/Sho. This is a short and mildy angsty piece. A few moments captured, but in those few moments a wealth of emotion. Yeah. Sometimes, I am really, really a sucker for angst.
Just Imagine - by
leave_untouched Ohno. Very beautiful and sometimes painful history of Ohno's imagination taking him from childhood, to Johnny's and then into Arashi. The ending is priceless and Ohno is just so very Ohno. And we love him for it.
More dragon babies!