Fic: Futuresexlovesounds (Arashi)

Jun 27, 2008 22:14

Title: Futuresexlovesounds
Author: Rinny &
Rating: PG
Pairing: Gen, slight Ohmiya if you squint
Parts: 1/1
Word Count: 1322
Disclaimer:We don't, couldn't possibly, claim any ownership here. Though, even if we did, it would be impossible to pick a favorite.
Description: 10 Might Maybe Could Be's of Arashi's future


When Ohno got married, he did it in secret. His parents and hers, and the rest of Arashi were the only guests. All except Nino.

The bride pretended not to notice how Ohno seemed distracted or how the rest of Arashi seemed extra boisterous to make up for the heavy absence.

After, Nino sent them a wedding gift and a card for each of them expressing his regret for missing the ceremony. Ohno locked himself in the bathroom for four hours after reading his.

She pretended not to know why.


Arashi goes out with a blast. There's a final tour, endless parties, talk shows, specials, a documentary, commemorative CDs and super-special singles released. It goes on and on, and they begin to think that maybe Arashi will never actually end.

And then it does.

Now they're just five friends; actors, singers, personalities. Famous each in their own right. Never again one part of a whole.

It's lonelier than they thought it would be.


Nino goes to Hollywood, but they don't know what to do with his blend of dry, sarcastic wit. He ends up going back to Japan when he decides the only roles he'll ever be offered are nerdy sidekicks on cable television. For want of anything better to do he releases a solo album and it goes platinum; largely because of his huge following from Arashi, not because he really put his heart into it.

While on the talk show circuit, he ends up on Sho's afternoon program and realizes he hasn't seen Sakurai-kun since Aiba's birthday the year before. Sho played the nostalgia card, and the interview is structured like an episode of "Arashi no Shukudaikun," complete with strange food, weird science experiments, and incredibly personal questions that no sane person should be answering on a program that airs at three in the afternoon.

If it weren't for the lack of MatsuJun' sprickly-giddiness, Aiba's lunatic energy, and Ohno's... self, he could almost have forgotten that Arashi was an anachronism.

He goes home that night to his empty apartment, takes his platinum record off the wall, stuffs it in a closet.


Arashi's career is redundantly documented on the internet. Aiba knows, because he likes to go back and look at the various videos and tapings that are posted from over the years. How lucky they are, he thinks, to have their best moments recorded forever. Or however long before Johnny’s legal team can make their not-so-idle threats.

He tried to send a file to Jun once, from D no Arashi, but the email bounced back.

After that, he stopped browsing the internet for a while. What good are the memories if they can’t be shared?


Jun has always had a temper; he's well aware of that fact. It's something people have learned to deal with, and for the most part they avoid setting him off. He'd appreciate it more if it didn't irritate him so much.

Still, even Jun is surprised when he explodes one day during a script read-through after one of the ADs asks him to autograph a copy of "Arashic" for her daughter. When he throws a chair at the wall he knows it's time to leave, and he marches to his dressing room and locks the door.

Arashi is behind him. Why can't people understand that? For every question about Hanadan, he's asked a dozen about Arashi. For every fanletter about Gokusen, he gets a hundred about Arashi. "Will there be a reunion tour, Matsumoto-san?" "Do you talk to the others, Matsujun?""Can you tell me how to reach Ninomiya-kun now that he's in Hollywood?"

Letter after letter after letter. He's moved on; why can't the rest ofthe world catch up?

The next day he sends the AD a huge bouquet of flowers and an apology note, as well as a signed copy of "The Last Princess."


Sho thinks the world of his ex-bandmates. They are still, to the day, the best, most talented people he knows. It doesn't matter much that he only really sees them on TV or in magazines. He's there for them, if they should ever need him.

And that's enough.

After Arashi breaks up, his life winds down to something resembling normal. A nice weekly talk show and the evening news is as near to a 9 to 5 job as he's ever held. There's meaning in being the face that all of Japan turns to for their evening news. There's a nice stability like he hasn't known since he was twelve-years-old.

He sees the same polite, nice people every day, goes through the same nice routine, comes home to the same, nice woman every night and it's all very, very nice.

But it'd be nicer, he thinks, if he wasn't so damned bored.


Aiba gets a message from his representative at Johnny's, telling him they've got a show for him, and better still, they want Nino-kun to play the other lead.

Nino doesn't return his phone call.

Aiba thinks about it for a day, then turns it down.


Ohno drifts quietly into obscurity, splitting his time between choreography for Johnny's and his art studio. He rarely spends any time at home.

It's more than a week before he realizes he’s been coming home every night to an empty house.

Nino's the first person he wants to call when he realizes his wife has left him. He's got the phone in his hand before he remembers he doesn't know the number.


Aiba takes a video camera and his passport and travels the world, investigating every tiny village and bustling city along the way. He travels by dogsled, cruise ship, boxcar and toboggan.

It takes him almost a year until he’s satisfied, and when he gets back to Japan he enlists the editors at TBS to help him edit the hours of footage together into a five part documentary he calls "Aiba Says Hello to the World." It's a cumbersome title but it's descriptively accurate.

All told it takes a year before the series hits the airwaves, and he realizes as he watches it that he had a lot of fun.

He wonders if the rest of the viewers can see the weight of loneliness on his shoulders.


The first member of Arashi to become a father was Jun.

The birth of Matsumoto Sachio made headlines, more because he was the first of the next generation of Johnny’s than because of the residual fame attached to the Matsumoto name. The world seemed to take it for granted that Sachio would enter Johnny’s Jimusho when the time came.

The first week of his life, Sachio slept, and his father sat at his crib side.

He thinks about the work; the days without sleep and drinking caffeine like it’s a life line. The overly contrived dramas and movies filmed at break neck speed. He thinks about the broken thumbs and collapsed lungs. He thinks about the fans who believe they know them just because they’re on TV.  He thinks about living life in a spot light. He thinks about the rules and the confinement and hiding the true feelings in his heart.

He thinks about the blood and the sweat and the tears and why would he ever want that for his precious baby boy?

The eighth day, he wakes next to the crib to hear a whispered rendition of ‘A-ra-shi’ in a cappella going on above his head.

They’re older than he remembers. Ohno’s thicker around the middle and Aiba’s wearing glasses. Sho looks the same and Nino’s somehow even thinner than he used to be.

But they still sound like Arashi.

Jun yawns and stretches his arms over his head, an irrepressible smile curving his lips. “Is that really a suitable lullaby?”

If his son ended up in a group like this, with friends like this, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

ohmiya, fanfic, arashi, gen

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