(no subject)

Jun 10, 2006 19:53

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1) How would
vandonovan conquer the world? With episodes of Dr. Who and smut.
2) Have you ever dated
grapho_spasm? Sadly, no.
3) If
ana_grrl were hanging off a cliff, what would
taramonk do? Scream for help.
4) How long have you known
blahbaby? Eight or nine YEARS.
5) Is
kashmir1 introverted or extroverted? introverted.

6) Would you make out with
ana_grrl? Depends how drunk I am.
7) What would
kispexi2think of
aliaspiral? That's she's the special kind of crazy.
8) What color should
thegranddewru dye their hair? Strawberry blond.
9) Is
dknightshade athletic? Gonna say...yes.
10) If
bugchicklv were spliced together, what would be its name? Bitter_bug
11) Has
aelora dyed their hair? Yes.
12) How would
dknightshade kill
bradcpu? With poisonous plants.
13) Are
vandonovan and
thegranddewru married? Dew is, but not to Van.
14) What would you do if
bugchicklv died? Stare stunned at my computer screen and wonder how such a thing could ever happen.15
15) Is
squish_67 an emo? *giggle* No.
16) What is
taramonk's favorite band/artist? Damien Rice, and if he isn't...he should be. ;)
17) If
meinterrupted took over the world, who would suffer? The customers. They'd be serving HER coffee. ;)
18) Does
blahbaby smoke? Better not. She's got asthma.
19) What would
bugchicklv give
dknightshade for his/her birthday? If she's smart, plants. ;)
20) Is
bugchicklv your best friend? Not best, no. Sorry dear.
21) Is
literarylemming dead sexy? Duh!
22) What video game does
grapho_spasm remind you of? The Sims.
23) What do you agree with
aelora about? Jayne.
24) What is
aliaspiral's biggest flaw? She doesn't write nearly enough. Yeah, I said it. You don't really need to sleep.
25) Would
literarylemming be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
26) Which president would
dknightshade be likely to idolize? Adams.
27) Do you have a crush on
zo_what? Ewwww. No. She's my sister!
28) What is
aliaspiral's favorite food? Right now? Peanut Butter Cookies
29) If
wily_one24 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Jaylee fans everwhere.
30) Does
maantre have a dog? I don't think so.
31) What is
meinterrupted's favorite color? Blue
32) Where did you first meet
ff_fanfic, I think
33) What exotic animal would
taramonk like as a pet? Panda bear.
34) What flavor of jello would
literarylemming be? Kiwi-strawberry
35) Would you wrestle
bugchicklv in jello? *giggle* yes
36) What is
blahbaby's favorite movie? Definitely not Americano.
37) Is
maantre a college student? No.
38) What do you disagree with
taramonk about? Nothing so far.
39) When did you last call
ana_grrl? Never.
40) Does
neroli66 do drugs? Don't think so
41) What animal does
dknightshade remind you of? Ladybug
42) If
ishie had a superpower, what would it be? The ability to hunt down and punish the people making her life miserable. Including the people breaking into her car, the insurance people and the police who aren't helping.
43) What song/movie would you recommend to
taramonk? Casablanca
44) What languages does
jayneaintagirl speak? English and Tanzanian. Not really, but wouldn't that be cool.
45) Where was
ishie born? USA?
46) Where was
wily_one24 born? oooh, ooooh, I know this one! Australia
47) Do you think
aelora is hot? Of course.
48) What word best describes
ana_grrl? Wordly
49) What would
meinterrupted do differently in your shoes? Not take the shit I put up with.
50) Is
bradcpu in a relationship? Yes. Married. ;)
51) Thoughts on
ishie? Amusing and talented
52) Is
aelora popular? Oh yes, definitely
zo_what's hair color? Black/darkbrown
54) How many monkeys could
aliaspiral fight at once and win against? 42
55) Does
dknightshade have a big secret? Might, but I haven't heard it.
56) What is
ishie's shoe size? 7
57) What is
wily_one24's favorite game? Baseball?
58) Is
ishie single? yes?
59) What planet should
neroli66 be from? Shinon
60) What rank would
wily_one24 have in a giant robot army? General, of course.
61) Is
neroli66 a nerd? Aren't we all?
62) One quality you find attractive in
meinterrupted? Candor
63) What comic book character would
grapho_spasm be? Inara. Hey...she's in a comic book!
64) Is
earthwhatwere a high school student? No
65) Do you have
queenbitter's screenname? Yep
66) Is
cheshire_monkey related to you? Nope
67) Is
bradcpu 1337? Maybe. Don't know what that means.
68) What would you do if you found out
literarylemming has a crush on you? melt into a puddle.
jayneaintagirl's eye color? Blue.
70) If
squish_67 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Dial-Up Connection-Man
71) Did
maantre break up with you? Awwww! I hope not.
72) Would you ever date
jayneaintagirl? Sure, why not.
73) Where would
maantre most like to visit? LA. But only on Dec 8th, 9th and 10th
74) One thing you can't stand about
ishie? Not enough ficcing. :(
75) If
taramonk took over the world, who would be happy? Firefly fans, because then we'd get our show back!
76) What mental disorder does
queenbitterremind you of? Amnesic
77) Which of your friends should
zo_what go out with? Ewww, none.
78) How tall is
neroli66? 5'4"
79) Does
kashmir1 drink? I think so.
80) What animal should
earthwhatwere be combined with? A tropical fish. 'cause I said so.

giggles, meme

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