Top Ten Alia fics

Jan 25, 2006 10:15

Because I'm at work, and sporatically bored every 5-10 minutes  (And 'cause I love her to pieces), I decided to list my top ten favorite aliaspiral fics.

Kneel Jayne/River. Which automatically I avoid. Especially when there is mention of s-e-x between them. But Alia wrote it, and so I read because I love her and her writing and this one is easily my absolute favorites. It's so vivid and scary and real and beautiful. Just beautifully written. Almost like poetry. The whole act of him kneeling for River is just so very powerful and it makes me love that man even more.
Favorite Line: And if she takes one down, they'll take the rest of the crew down, and while she might still kill 'em all, it wouldn’t help the crew if they’re dying or dead.

So, he kneels.

Beautiful Destruction BDM. Jayne and Zoe talk while waiting behind the blast doors. It's stark and beautiful and heartbreaking. I love how Jayne sees River in this. Plus, Jayne/Zoe bonding! SQUEE! 
Favorite Line:“Tell me,” Zoë said. “Keep talking. Tell me what she looks like, when she fights."

Take Two Fuzzy Navels and Call Me in the Morning J/K. One of my favorites for many reasons. Not least of all because it was written for me. So adorable and funny and Drunk!Jayne! Kaylee's just way too cute taking care of him, and he's just so... drunk!
Favorite Line: But he still had pants on, and she was getting up and tugging at his shirt.

Right, shirt, then pants.

No. Shirt, then boots, then pants.

He went to try and untie his shoes again.

Backseat Driver R/J. I love this one purely for the laugh factor. Jayne and River bickering in the backseat. So very much fun. And doesn't squick me out, 'cause no romantical feelings at all!
Favorite Line: "The seat is 1.875 meters wide, which means the midpoint is 0.94 meters, which is here."

Hen House Boy Bonding!!!!! Mal, Wash, Jayne and Simon get kicked out of Serenity by the women of the ship. Much hilarity and drinking ensue. I don't think I've laughed harder at another fic. I am a sucker for male bonding, plus the implication that Jayne was waiting on Kaylee didn't hurt none either. Plus, the dialogue and the interaction between the boys is just so perfectly in character.
Favorite Line: (there are so many, but this one takes the cake!)“But, its Jayne,” Wash pointed out. “Why would our sweet, little, homicidal maniac want Jayne? He’s a..a..” He gestured wordlessly.

“Large, unkempt, homicidal maniac?” Mal supplied.

Women's Intuition Jayne-centric. Jayne's in jail for a crime he didn't commit, and the girls on board stand by their man when no one else will. It's heart warming and sweet and I know how much Alia fretted over it. I could so easily see something like this happening on the series. Jayne has such unique relationships with every woman on board, and this fic so emphesises that.
Favorite Lines: "And he woulda grumbled and complained, and found a girl who wouldn't mind that he wanted to pay her in weaponry, Sir."
And because I just adore this one too:  Mal left, shaking his head at the insanity of the women of Serenity. Women who were willing to stand up for a mercenary with a tendency to leer, insult, or tease them at a moment's notice.

Carry Jayne. I just love this one. It's short and it's Jayne and it's the crew, and it's about loss and death and appreciation. Maybe he never knew it himself, but he was loved. It gets me teary every time.
Favorite Line: Maybe he hadn’t been as big as they thought. Maybe he just seemed bigger when he was there, laughing and swearing and drinking. Maybe he wasn’t as big as he looked, if it only took two of them to carry his body home to his family.

Slippery When Wet  Kaylee and River have been very, very naughty. A different sort of Jayne appreciation, but more of the cute and funny and sexy variety than "Carry." I don't think I even need to explain why I love this one. It's self explainatory.
Favorite Line: Matter of fact, if River or Kaylee were asked to, they could probably draw a pretty graphic picture of exactly what sort of concealed weapon he was carrying under that towel.

Raised Right Jayne/Kaylee. I love this one, there's just so much emotion in it. Sad and happy and angry and besotedness. And paper flowers. Jayne's downright sexy when he's angry. J/K are just too cute.
Favorite Line: Jayne stared. “I ain’t thought about it too hard. She’s been avoiding me like hell, and ‘sides, she’s got the doc.”

“No, she don’t. That fight they had seems to have ended things.”

Jayne’s head came up sharp. “Yeah?” (I can just picture that so perfectly. With the hopeful look of surprise in his eyes *melts*)

Broken Like Dolls Jayne. Just scary as hell. In that way that you want to be scared. It's scary and thrilling and devestating.
Favorite Line: He couldn’t bring himself to go into Inara’s shuttle. The door was hanging funny and there was a smell and he was a strong man but he weren’t sure he were strong enough to have to go in there and see them all fallen over like dolls after she got through playing with ‘em.

Honerable Mentions: Monkey Business Jayne/River silliness! *Loves* and Once Upon a November because Jayne as the Big Bad Wolf? ALL KINDS OF HOTNESS. Only gets an honorable mention because I never actually finished it when it got to the smutty part.

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