Hello. I'm Rin. I love Arashi. No shame.
I departed the fandom out of necessity when I returned to school full time and got engaged.
Things happened and now I'm single, graduated and fully employed as a jr software developer. And I have this thing called 'free time' that I don't know what to do with.
I went back to my old Arashi haunts and everyone is gone! All the things are gone! I can't find people or fanfic or subs.
Except Aeslis. <---- and I am so out of practice I can't even remember how to tag you properly.
My lifelong writing partner went and got married and dropped off the face of the earth. And I mean like... we wrote together through four different fandoms over more than 12 years. It's sad and I'm totally not still bitter. At all. That would be silly.
So. Um... *waves*
I'm a lot friendlier than I sound. I swear.
Talk to me about the Arashi things. What was the last news you heard? Funny thing? Good fic? Anything.
This bit from a while back is solid gold:
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x67l8cg Highly re-watchable.