fic recs, layout and curiosity

May 23, 2009 17:04

Backwards, becuase I can:

1. Curiosity On my drive home, I was thinking about my first impressions of entering this fandom. Tell me yours!

And if you're on my flist and not familar with Arashi. ...tell me your impression based on what you've seen from me.

First Impression: I was Jun baited. Thanks alianora. So my first impression, as I was expanding past Domyouji and trying to figure out what these crazy guys are doing and who they are... was "God, Jun must hate working with these guys! They're so immature. Who on earth thought putting them together was a good idea!?" Followed quickly by: OMGHILARIOUSLOL!

2. I have a new layout. Aiba doesn't get enough love. I also made three more headers besides this one. And I want to use them alllll.

3. Fic recs! All Arashi, all the time. Omg, you guys I am so, so, so behind on these. I do try and rec older stuff before newer things, since beckerbell does an amazing job staying on top of the newer stuff.

Edit: Massive, hugely massive apologies to aeslis for linking to beta-work. I was way out of line and clearly not paying attention to what I was doing. My Apologies.

Believe, by honooko
Ohmiya. Short and not terriby sweet. I am all for the fluff, but now and then you need something a little more bitter than sweet. I love this introspection from Nino (no my favoritism is not showing, kthx). This paints such a wonderful picture of Nino and so much of what he's hiding from.

Aphephobia by vintage_belle
Jun/Nino. Matsumiya might be my most favorite pairing after Ohmiya. And sometimes even more so. In the right hands they are just utterly fascinating. This fic covers what their relationship is and what it's becoming. And it's the perfect rendition of what I think Matsumiya could be.

Easy, Crazy Breakdown by mousapelli
Ohno/Nino. Okay, so maybe my bias is showing. I can't tell you how many times I've re-read this fic. This draws on so many actual on-stage events it makes my heart flutter. A lot of Ohmiya fics can lose sight of the rest of Arashi, and this one doesn't. They're so fully incorporated... and it's sweet and silly and deals with the ramifications of making such a huge step in the world that they live in. *Goes to re-read again*

P.S. The choreo for Crazy Moon makes me sooooooo happy.

arashi, fic rec, layout

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