April Reads

Apr 30, 2009 08:50

Read lots of books in April because I don't know why.

21. Simply Alice - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (4/1/09)
22. Patiently Alice - Phyllis Reynolds naylor (4/2/09)
23. Including Alice - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (4/6/09)

24. Greywalker - Kat Richardson (4/6/09) - ended up really liking this book (thanks, yesididit ). Centers around a private investigator who dies for 2-minutes, wakes up and can now see the "grey", a sort-of "middle space" where ghosts and other creepies inhabit. I liked the main character a lot, action was pretty decent, though sometimes the author uses unusual words in places where a "normal" word would do. :)

25. Simply Alice - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (4/12/09)

26. Poltergeist - Kat Richardson (4/13/09) - 2nd book in the greywalker series involving murderous poltergeists and more vampire action.

27. Dangerously Alice - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (4/14/09)

28. The Face on Your Plate - Jeffrey Masson (4/16/09) - Crap, I think this is my first nonfiction of the year - how embarrassing is that? Masson is the author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love. In this book, he talks about factory farming and, more importantly, our denial when it comes to who our food comes from. There's a chapter on aquaculture, which is great (eels can live for a 100 years, people!) Overall an easy to read, accessible book.

29. Underground - Kat Richardson (4/19/09)

30. Wake - Lisa McMann (4/20/09) - Story of a girl who can enter other people's dreams and her progress in controlling when she enters dreams (sometimes she does it while driving, which can be a bit of a problem). Liked the main character and the main boy character too. Sometimes a bit unrealistic but hey, still fun.

31. Almost Alice - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (4/20/09)

32. Lord of Misrule - Rachel Caine (4/26/09) - 5th book in the morganville vampire series. I like this series, and I think this was one of the better books.

33. The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman (4/27/09) - Gaiman at his best, I think. Still cannot believe this won a Newberry, it's more of a ya or adult book, imo. Follows story of Bod who's entire family was killed. He's being raised by ghosts and a guardian who can only come out at night and doesn't eat normal human food. Read this book in a couple hours, so enticing was it. :)

34.The Forest of Hands and Teeth - Carrie Ryan (4/28/09) - Trying to describe this book might make it sound campy - it involves zombies, though they're never called by that name. It's a post-apocalyptic world and it isn't a really happy one. Can't say I'm thrilled with the ending, but I liked the character study of how we all react differently to that which threatend our livelihood. I rec'd it...though I warn you, it is not a "let's all hug, make up and go on our merry ways" type of book.

35. The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices matter - Peter Singer & Jim Mason (4/28/09) - This has been on my "to read" shelf for, like, three years. Finally grabbed it and made my way through it. My second nonfiction of the year, go me! Follows the source of three families food and discusses the ethical implications of each one (and the most ethical choices may not be what you think). I liked it, though I'm more of a hardliner and this book is more for the general public, so it was a little frustrating to see them sometimes skirt the issues. Still, lots of good info.

36. Lost It - Kristen Tracy - Holy crap, this is a funny, hilarious book. Follows a Idaho high school junior as she struggles to make it through the year with a best friend who wants to blow up a poodle and parents who have taken to following an exercise guru in Utah. Tess is paranoid that she'll be killed by bears, wolves, elk, moose, or possibly raccoons and she's dating a guy who's biggest dream is to have the gameshow Password revived. Much hilarity ensues, though yes, this is a coming of age sort of book so there are some morals and crap. But with 10x more laughing! :)

2009 books, books, reading

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