Oct 29, 2008 17:26
For those of you not in California, there is a proposition on our ballot that would make an amendment to our state's constitution denying the right of homosexual couples to marry. Even if you are against gay marriage, messing with a state's constitution through the initiative process over who can and cannot marry is frightening, at best.
After work, for the past three weeks, I've driven past 8-12 protesters toting Yes on Prop 8 signs. And every time I see them, I want to cry a little bit. I can see nothing but fear-mongering and hate in these messages, even if the protesters themselves are nice people.
I try to steel myself for these protesters every day.
Imagine my shock this evening when that group of 8-12 turned into about 30 people. I almost wanted to turn around before I could drive past...but then I noticed the color of the signs and their message - NO on Prop 8. Ah, messages of tolerance and kindness and not amending Constitutions to address marriage. It was such a nice end to a rather stressful day at work.
Although, I must admit, I admire no one more on this issue than the young woman who has stood amongst the Yes on Prop 8 supporters several times carrying a lone No on 8 sign. She makes me smile. Thirty of her make me cry with joy. :)
election 2008