I'm new, hi everybody! I'm Charina Bobina Fofina Merchada, nice to meetcha. Oh, minus the Bobina Fofina part. I was just playing around. But you can just call me Rina because it sounds so much cooler.
Anyway, so this place is REALLY huge, can you believe it? The house itself is MASSIVE, it has to be a mansion or something, for real. But the place looks kinda dreary, and it could use a little more color. So I added some to the entrance way so everyone that comes through can be welcomed by a much needed dose of exploding color. See?
Summer Bummer said--oh yeah, she walked in on my wonderful coloring and she said it was pretty and all but the Prof wouldn't be too happy with the new paint job. I don't know why he wouldn't, though. It brightens up the place, ya know? Summer's really nice and all, and I think we got along really well talking about colors and baking and bamboo zen. She helped me out with my luggage, and--oh oh, it was a vacuum cleaner! Summer, the really heavy thing in my bag was a vacuum. Can't go anywhere without one, right, 'cuz they're really handy with the cleaning and stuff. Umm, I didn't know if I was already assigned a dorm room beforehand so Summer offered to let me room with her for a while until we figured out the dorming sitch. YEAY, WE'RE GONNA BE ROOMIES! Roomies with real unimaginary beds and no ghosts!
Hmmm, I haven't met any of the other kids yet. Summer told me about Jo not a boy and some other kid she couldn't remember his name. I can't wait to meet everyone, and this is gonna be so much fun, even if Mom and Dad...oh, never mind.
Rina outta here!