Jun 09, 2010 19:13
Currently online ordering some books, because god damnit I deserve it sometimes. At the top of the list is Silence Maestas' "Walking the Heartroad", as well as "Dark Moon Rising".. and its a toss up between "Cult of Aphrodite" and "Aphrodite's Priestess". The latter apparently contains more ritual and festival stuff, and the former has.. less? Hrm. Either way, I'm getting some books! I need something to get me off the computer more and thinking more, rather than just numbing myself all day on this damn thing.
As an after thought.. do you normally choose the shipping price that includes tracking, or simply go with the cheapest? Already I'm paying 35$ for two books via Lulu (good thing I'm doing this at a time where the loonie is near par with the USD), but its 12$ something for the standard, and 18$ something for the cheapest one with tracking.. as well as coming a fuckton faster than the standard shipping. I've already been binged once by the postal service who lost my makeup palette sent to me by Sarah ( D: ), so I'm pretty nervous about this.