Title: Disappear
rin_no_himitsu Rating: T (PG-13)
Genre: Mystery
Summary: When Roni's friend Leslie gets arrested for a crime he insists he didn't commit, she decides to investigate.
Drugs weren’t in the shoe box. Instead, there was a shiny, bloodstained knife.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
This isn’t happening.
Leslie’s arrest, the intruder at the Smith house, this bloody knife: it’s all a dream.
I won’t believe it.
It’s not true. It can’t be.
If it is, then...
Tears started to trickle down my face. I crumpled down into a heap on the floor, limp. I didn’t move. I couldn’t move.
Why is our friendship falling apart?
It seemed like a long time before Cristoff finally walked in and found me on the cold floor. He took one glance at the room; then advanced towards me, a blank expression on his face.
Somehow that made it even scarier.
I didn’t know what he was going to do. But I stayed still. My body felt so heavy, yet so light at the same time. I could only just lie there and watch him.
“So... I see you’ve found out the truth.”
His harsh, heartbroken voice cut through my heart. I betrayed him.
He stopped in front of me, looking down at my pathetic form.
He’s going to kill me.
I squeezed my eyes shut, doing my best to keep him from seeing my tears.
“I’m sorry.”
My eyes flew open.
He kneeled down and pulled me up into a tight hug. His tears slid down his face, landing on my shirt.
“I did it. I did everything,” he sobbed. “I killed Doug and I blamed it on Leslie.”
I let out a small gasp. Here he was, giving me a full confession - and I wasn’t doing anything.
“I had to, Roni. I had to. He took everything away from me. Everything!”
He sobbed, almost hysterically.
“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...”
I left Cristoff’s house, my mind replaying what happened.
He was the first to move away.
I looked at him, both scared and relieved at the same time.
“I don’t know what to do now... Everything’s over, isn’t it?”
I regained some of my composure, straightening up. I looked him in the eye, speaking slowly, cautiously.
“Cristoff... You should turn yourself in. The jury might go easy on you! They’ll look at this in favour of you. It’s...for the best.”
His eyes widened, a frightened look forming on his face.
“N-no! I can’t...”
“Yes, you can... You have to, Cristoff. Leslie’s disappeared to who-knows-where, and if you ever get caught...”
I trailed off, knowing he would understand.
“I’ll always be there for you, y’know? You’re my best friend. I’d never let you suffer through this yourself.”
He looked at me with newfound confidence.
“...Alright. I’ll do it. But first...”
My eyes widened in surprise. There was more?
“...I need to get you to Leslie.”